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Blastoise Fortooate

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  • I also like Mew/Mewtwo and Victini, but Scizor and Lucario are my favorite non legendary Pokemon.
    Ah. What's your favorite o.o? I can't think of anything right now, too many Pokemon to think and sift through...
    Yes, this is the ideal solution, I think.


    Also, I should say that before I joined TCoD, Victini and Mew (and Mewtwo as well) were my least favorite Pokemon. I made the avatar, and they both grew on me.
    I might just go buy one of those Nintendo WFC USB connectors that plug in to your computer :/ I have monies from my birthday, I suppose...

    Okay then...I think I'll get that connector when we next go to Wal-Mart 8D
    ...the reason I don't have good Wi-Fi is due to my wireless security type...DS Lites only work with WEP, we use WPA. :c
    Oh, I see...

    I'll register you. OH I forgot to give you mine :sweatdrop: 4040-6087-8508.
    Ah. You have a FC...? I want to try and see what happens if I try to connect, though I know it won't work.

    What form(e) are you going to change it to :o? Also I found my friend code on White 8D I don't have Nintendo WFC, though :c
    Hi hi~

    I see you are back to being a birdy. Also

    I got White~

    And it is good, but annoying at parts X3
    So, on your appeal.

    "Gemini will fling an Icicle Crash, coated with psychic psychedelic pink energy, at Rayquaza; Rayquaza will attempt an Inferno, but the other attack still gets through and she'll then begin to fall with a squeak."

    That sentence confused me; what "other attack"? Is the Inferno meant to miss the icicle?
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