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Blastoise Fortooate

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  • (...WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?! I reloaded the page and this happened and I had a panic attack. Are we being hacked or is this an admin's idea of a prank or is it April Fools? I mean, seriously, if it IS April Fools, I don't like it. I can barely read anything.)

    ...Chrr... yeah. I think... we gotta go there.
    Or maybe more of those birds like the one you gave to my zoo! If they're big enough for us to ride, that i... owww... okay, I'm taking this off now. ;;Removes;;
    ...I think so. It's... doing odd and unpredictable things. Before I do... will you... accompany me to see the maker? I'll have to go... transformed and well... I don't want anyone to accidentally mistake me as their pet... again. ;;Grumble;;
    Then I'll have to find the one who made it. But he... he lives kinda far. ...OW! It's... it's burning my... ;;Looks at wrist;; ...Oh hell. What... what is this... black crusty stuff?

    Um, it's some sort of expression. One I don't usually use and have no idea why I was suddenly struck by a random fancy to use it at this moment!
    ...OK, that is awesome. I need to have a look for this episode on youtube when I get the time. :D
    ...So many questions, I agree. Voicytes... voicytes... I think that has to do with Nothing. The spring might be fixed, but it seems to need more Nothing energy to function proper- ;;BEEP BEEP;; ...critical? Apparently, it's telling me that wearing it is dangerous whilst it's in this condition.

    Oi vey... so many problems with this ridiculous bracelet. Sometimes I wonder why I deal with them.
    ...And what do you mean by that? ;;Shifty, self-conscious;; Do you mean FREA- ...Sorry, I tend to get very odd during and after transformation. Sort of overemotional.

    Well, hopefully nothing will go wrong and everything will be... ;;BEEP BEEP;; Huh, what's this? ;;Looks at bracelet;; ...Low voicytes?
    Chrrr! Chrriaaa... a little... chrrr... ;;Puts it back on;; Well, normal ones can't, but I can. It's hard for me to force out the words though, mostly I just make that odd trilling noise you've been hearing.

    Thanks for fixing it, by the way! I seem to be completely human.
    And that's why I'm so reluctant to take this thing off! You would think me strange. Just between you and me, the Modge is my truer form than this. I don't like showing it... chrrr... no no. Those who know of it believe that it is a curse and that the human form is the truest one.

    ;;Holds out arm;;
    Oh, yes, but I meant I wanted a bottle of my own to spray whenever I desire. Wha... what exactly will it do since it's not... quite fixed? I need to know that because well, I've got a Queenly Meeting to go to and... I can't go with it... flicking on and off.
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