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Blastoise Fortooate

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  • OH! That guy... yes, he's around. What of him?

    And no, it's not a type of magic! They're elements, silly. And they make up everything. Technically, I'm also made up of Earth because of all the stuff that composes my physical body and a plethora of others. There's just more of Life/Mind in me than other things. Except Fire, perhaps. And that leads me to a heavy dislike for ice being near my antennae.

    Yes, it causes a bit of it if you're like, really close to me. But it's been screwing around with me before you even came and started casting your spells.
    Caustic L? Sounds like some sort of musician. Unless of course, you're talking about that one guy. I'm not sure if it IS him that you are referencing. But yes, the bracelet is powered by many magicks, mostly those of Reality and Nothing due to the form I take being composed of heavy amounts of Life and Mind. It's a bit painful, actually, because creatures heavily based in Life and Mind are weak against Reality and Nothing.

    ...Good thing. Very good. I was just checking. Don't cast any spells near my bracelet.
    ...Hey! I didn't say you could un-ice my hat. But thank you anyway. Just watch where you're pointing those spells.

    It's actually... aheh... quite inconvenient. That's why I have this. ;;Shows arm;; My Anti-Transformer Bracelet! It not only has a name that tells you EXACTLY what it does, but it allows me to remain in this form for as long as I have it on! But... it's been malfunctioning lately... hence the antennae on my head. If I took it off, I'd probably fully transform.
    Well, no! Not technically, this isn't a disguise! I'm both, at the same time. I'm this... and I'm that too. I can become one or the other, but only randomly. I can't control it. Uh... hee heh... ;;Awkward laugh, tries to hide behind frozen hat;;
    ...Um, funny, weird! That's just my form of speaking, Sir Blast Toys.

    Well, see, it's a funny story... so instead of telling it, I'll just blurt out I AM A MODGE! Whew, that's a load off.
    Doesn't seem like it... your face looked all crinkly.

    But um, I suppose you're ready to hear the secret that won't do dramatic things at all?
    Oh nothing... it looked kinda... chrrriaa! Weird. Just wanted to make sure you weren't... icing anything again. I don't like ice and not near them. Especially anything near them. DO NOT TOUCH THEM.
    Well, I have... things coming out of my head. And there's more to it than that, which probably is embarrassing to say. ;;Giggles at your facial expression;;
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