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Blastoise Fortooate

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  • Ahhh I suppose. =P He could tell us a little bit moreee. And besides, we've been waiting for this answer for forever, and now Annie knows but we don't. =O Not fair! =P
    ...Bwahahahaha! Oh, you FELL for it. Jesus, the look on your face.

    Nah, there's no Secret or Him or any of that. I just made that up to be dramatic. I just don't want to tell you because I'm all embarrassed about it.
    My apologies, Blast Toys! I just must inform you of the gravity of this situation. That's why I've been so evasive. Though now that you've seen part of the Secret, I might have to tell you anyway, for it cannot be unseen.
    I don't know... that's the thing. It's different for everyone, He tells me. He was lucky, because he managed to Accept it, which gave Him great power. But some cannot, and they are driven to madness. Horrible other things, unspeakable things, can happen to a Keeper. And if the Secret is divulged? A fate worse than death, one that I cannot describe or it would desecrate this language with its horrid stain for all eternity.
    Because He is important. If you know the Secret, then you will have to become a Keeper... and nobody but Him has become one.
    ...AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH OOWWWWWWW! COLD, COLD! ;;Tosses hat off;; Those are SENSITIVE, you know! Watch where you're casting your spells, chrrr!
    Aaslkdghasl;g now everyone knows but us! C'mon, Annie, Reynardine, tell ussss.

    She's not a robot. She's called Wandering Eye. She apparently steals names. She has super fast reflexes, is not injured when swords nick her, and has no emotions. That's what I've gathered so far.

    Seriously that page made me so mad =O
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