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Blastoise Fortooate

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  • That would be a pretty neat idea.

    Though I'm already planning for the final round to have a random effect take place at the end of each even-numbered round, for a random duration.
    Also, I'm thinking of doing another session of the Metronome Contest sometime in the future. Preferrably, with enough room for plenty of people, seeing as this round's sixteen slots filled up in less than a day.
    It would depend on what's on my head. Now... ow... that hurts touching it a bit... CHRRR! What is on my head, Blast Toys?! I demand you admit it!
    ...Are you lying?! I feel something suspicious on my head! And your laugh, it's all nervous! Now YOU'RE being strange!
    And the third round of the Metronome Contest begins. You qualified.

    I'm excited for this.
    ...What are you talking about? ;;Feels head again;; There ISN'T, right?

    (Oh... well then, I'm glad I could inspire you. :3)
    True. A fox in wolf form makes him even cooler.

    Ah okay. I have a friend who reads a ton of webcomics; he's recommended quite a few to me, but Gunnerkrigg Court is the only one I've been able to stick with. Not really sure why... maybe it was because it was the first one he recommended. I think this is the first page that I read...
    Hmm, I'm kind of sad in a way that we didn't really get to see Annie's time in the forest, but then again it's also nice to get back quickly to Gunnerkrigg Court (and Reynardine! =D I love him especially because he's a wolf.)

    So how did you get into GC?
    Oh, good! Good. Odd? Who's being odd? Nobody's being odd. And there's nothing involving floof... or tails... ;;Edges away uncomfortably;;

    (Aah, that's fine, that's fine! I do it all the time, really. Or I just smangle up something new out of nowhere. Probably a good idea to use those base words to invent stuff. Good luck with all that. How am I your inspiration though?)
    ...Call who?! No, no, I do not need assistance! Just answer my question, NOTHING is happening, right?

    (Sounds very interesting! The names sound particularly... non-Western language based. Clever, yes.)
    ...What?! Is something weird happening to me?! ;;Feels head;; If it is, it's all just a trick! Yes... a trick... and if it's not um... ignore that I said that! CHRRR!

    (Is it complicated?)
    Aah! I did notice your fruity aroma... it was making me rather hungry.

    ...Erm, well... chrriaa... it... you see... the thingy... makes it happen. Y-yes... the thing with... with... ;;Looks around, sees a tree;; TREES! CHRRIAA! YES, IT'S ALL TREES!

    (You're creating magical systems?)
    ...Dear me. I should hope that you would bring NONE of those near here. I will ask the castle staff to stock up on many, many fruitschrriaa. Yes, many chrriaas indeed. I can see how your people would be annoyed. So glad we have none of that here.

    What sets it off? Oh... that... yes... well, it's... an interesting story...
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