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Blastoise Fortooate

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  • Signature Attribute: Rayquazic Envy
    She knows she’s a Swablu, but Rayquaza desires to be a Rayquaza rather badly. She has ever since her hatching, when a Rayquaza flew over her and her mother. Along with painting her body to match the sky Pokemon’s, Rayquaza has been working on levitation, through spending time in windy areas, learning to control both natural and pokemon induced winds. Reaching a point where she can almost levitate, Rayquaza has become an inherently flying pokémon. Whilst training to become more like her idol, Rayquaza has managed to teach herself to use Ancient Power, Extreme Speed, and Hyper Voice. However, to use these moves, she expends twice the energy as normal.

    Effects: Rayquaza is treated an inherently flying pokémon; she gains the use of Ancient Power, Extreme Speed, and Hyper Voice at twice the energy cost.
    Thanks. I actually use a few slow Pokemon, but usually if I don't see any Trainers, I just put my fastest in front.
    Now I finally got through Victory Road, but I have to find a Mienfoo with Regenerator because I only just now noticed that my Scraggy is horrible at battling and won't do any good in the Elite Four.
    (Jesus christ, I hve to stop posting replies on *my* wall)

    Have we got double English or double Scottish?
    No, I haven't, because I just run from every battle I get into. I'll need to use all my money on Revives and Hyper Potions (Moomoo Milks if I can get those) at the League so I don't really want to use it on Repels.
    Very well, then. If they protect your family, then I shall protect this one. My zoo will... BOYS! CHRRR CHRRIAAA CHRRR! ...Garuh, I mean... TAKE 'ER IN! ;;The boys come;; I'll be sure they don't chrrr... manhandle her.
    ...Eh? ;;Sweating;; Why would you associate me with them?! Probably because I've owned so many, you might've heard of it and forgotten! Yes, yes, antennaed doggies they are...
    ...Very well. But if I find out that she takes a tasting for Modges, well, I will have to eject her from the zoo. Surely, you'd understand... I happen to b- I mean... own many Modges and this simply cannot occur. Feathery beaked dogs, I approve of.
    ...A Lett is of much confusked. She has a suspicious feeling she is missing a reference to something. And has no idea why she is talking in third person.
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