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Blastoise Fortooate

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  • Well, what ELSE could I have spilled on i... ;;FZZT PFFF;; ...it's doing it again. You sure you fixed it? And why are you tossing fruit spray?
    ;;Transforms back;; Whew... thanks. Must've been that one time I was drinking water, spilled some on it... yeah... heh. That's what happened, all right.
    (I thought your line would be "Now we all did what we could do"? Maybe I'm off, but I'm doing the line that comes after that...)
    Now Watergate does not bother me~

    And I'm just starting :D Right after I find a nice looking game...
    Chrrr... chrriaaa chrrriaaa chrrriaaa! Chrrr chrrr chrrriaa!

    ...Chrrr. ;;Smacks face upon realizing you don't get any of that, holds out paw to take bracelet;;
    I find that random birds fit you well ^^ And Aku in a red hood is kinda cute :3 Odd.
    OHHH YES I FORGOT :sweatdrop: The bird avatar fit you well for some weird reason, though.
    Fwee I like Samurai Jack! ...Aku actually looks cute. Is that a baby Aku or something? I like Samurai Jack, but not really that much of a loyal viewer.
    Aah, then I apologize for the confusion! Perhaps it was the fruit... chrrr... playing tricks with my hungered mind... ;;Sniffs again;; You should make a perfume.

    ...Bah, very well. But if I take it off, no laughing, you hear?
    Is not the word "meat" used solely in an edible context? In concern of this language. Meat is used only when something will be eaten, you said you were made of edible substance, it made me hungry! Technically, you ARE edible. And so am I, but still. "Meat" sounds tasty. Chrrr... you can't blame me! You could've said "flesh" and I would've been way put o... ;;Sniffs;; Mmm, you kinda smell good.

    But you can't fix it whilst I have it on?
    Well, you said you were made of meat, chrrr! And I'm kinda partially in transformation into a caninelike creature, which in spite of how tiny it looks actually has really sharp teeth that tear flesh! But I suppose I won't eat you... I can't risk triggering another spell that will interfere with the bracelet.

    ...Would I have to remove it for you to fix it?
    ...What did you do now?! Oh... dang... I think... the bracelet's about to stop working. I can... chrrrrr... chrrrrr... feel it.

    Oh yes, that person with the odd penchant for clockery. Yes, yes, I remember... what of him?
    Yes, but at magic. This device is a mixture of technology and magic, and he's... bad at technology, so he can't handle it. He'd probably break it even more.

    Hmph! What good's meat if you can't eat it, that's what I say! Chrrrriaaa! I'm kinda hungry for some now... ;;Eyes hungrily;;
    No... he's not equipped to do that.

    Does that mean I can eat you? ;;Opens mouth, flashes fangs;; Oh... stupid thing's malfunctioning more, I see.
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