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Bluberry Bat
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  • Hence her usertitle. :P She only says she's a he here because of her username. I haven't played ToS because I don't like the art style and the battle system (probably stems from playing ToS2 first), but I read the manga and... ;~; Damn, I really, really want to see the entire thing through. Also I'm listening to the ToS OST right now - Wood-Carving Star is just <3~
    Oh, did you? Nice :D I decided not to try for attribute because I'm not as interested in those - even though I'm probably worse with moves, haha. I've messed up quite a few times.
    Well... hm. No, I didn't notice. o.O I don't think it matters too much, though, since Negrek said it was 'a bit too powerful for a Totodile', and in any case an extra 1% wouldn't really do much, unless it bumped up the STAB bonus (like 11% to 12%), which it doesn't. But I really don't like his style of doing things. :| To be frank, I was pretty surprised when he made it as a referee - and it kind of annoys me how he pours his heart and soul into the mock reffings to get approved/promoted, but seems to half-ass his actual reffings.

    I'm not quite one for choosing theme songs... probably because I only listen to instrumental music nowadays OTL And it's not like my Pokemon really have set-in-stone personalities. I probably have a vague idea of how each one acts, but yeah.
    You should totally get a theme for Mothra and Cyndra. And make it crazy!

    I would write/RP if I could actually get ideas. I have tons of inspiration, but no ideas. OTL Ah, well, stuff will come sooner or later, I suppose~ I tend to personalize my ASB team with signature moves and attributes so each Pokemon has a fighting style - Khao kills stuff with fire, Yukianesa sweeps with ice while restricting movement, Kayne buffs up at the start and then deals out massive damage, etc.
    Kinda sucks, because Kratos is the only attribute approver that actually posts nowadays, and her internet is being an arse.
    All of your ASB Pokemon have themes, don't they? CUP 'O COFFEE- *shot*

    I don't really RP nowadays, I just got attached to Phalanx because... well, I love Cradily's design in the first place, and now that I've used one and it's done so well, it just doesn't seem right to have a male Cradily that isn't named Phalanx. I really should get into RPing again some day, though.
    Hell, I'd be miffed if anyone 'stole' any of my Pokemon. I get attached to them easily. :x But moreso Yukianesa and Phalanx.
    Yeah, it's just me xD I don't know why it feels weird, but it just does.
    Ohh, I see. Haha, I get what you mean, then. Switch style it is.
    *flies over to ASB*
    Oh, this is switch style? :| You mind if we play set? I'm not fond of switch.

    And I thought you meant: okay, Person 1 won the flip! Person one chooses his/her three Pokemon! Person two gets to sit there and twitch crazily as Person one snatches all the best 'Mons!
    Your method works, but I'm just iffy about the amount of posts there will be before something actually gets reffed xD I don't know, it just feels weird, somehow. But if you insist on Switch-style, then yes, we could do that~
    *hugs Phalanx protectively*
    Haha, I tend to get attached to my pixels. Well, if you take Phalanx, then I take Ammy. Deal? xP

    Alright, then Neon it is. And I think we should choose them as we go along - so that the coin flip winner doesn't have this huge advantage, y'know?
    Epic battle will be epic! xD

    I do love that idea, actually. But we should impose a limit of 1 fully-evolved Pokemon per person, I think?
    B-b-b-but Phalanx- *shot again*

    We could do a Neon-style battle, or... maybe a double battle where our partner is randomized? As in, Battle Factory-style. Oh, this is going to be fun~ Which one would you prefer?
    At your command before you here I stand/My heart is in my hand - yecch/It's here that I must be/My heart entreats, just hear those savage beats/And go put on your cleats and come and trample me
    Oh, really? :0 People have always told me Smogon is most reliable when it comes to tiers, but I guess not...? I've heard that they're going to move Cress and PorygonZ soon, though, since they killed the UU metagame, though I could be wrong.
    Cresselia is damned annoying though :<

    I don't know xD; But I know you posted it somewhere - was it that person who was trying to make a rain dance team without Kingdra? Anyway, I randomly watch Pokemon battles on YouTube, and I had stumbled upon it before you posted it.
    Oh, not exactly switching. Less projectiles, I guess, or at least weakening them. And limiting movement. Though generally it's not a good idea.

    ...wat. Last time I checked, both of them were NU... *checks* Yes, according to Smogon, both Ninetales and Marowak are NU. It's really speed and such that lets those two down. But seriously, a Marowak with +3 speed, +2 attack, Thick Club, and a moveset of Double-Edge/Earthquake/Stone Edge/Fire Punch will rip anything a new one. Haha two can play this game~
    Oh, yes, I've watched that before! It was a good game. :> I do think that DPP introduced too many OMFG KILL type Pokemon, though. Completely blew the older Pokemon out of the water, you know?
    I can sort of understand Fire Spin, since it could help immobilize a Pokemon and make it easier to hit, but it's still too weak to really do much. And I have no words to describe that second command string. No words.

    Ah, I see! :0 I've only recently taken up competitive battling, but I make it a point to try to include at least one NU Pokemon in each of my teams. Ninetales, Marowak... <3 They've worked wonders, really.
    Haha, don't worry, you're not the only one! Except that I'm more of a mechanics freak than movesets and such. I don't know the exact workings of stuff, but enough to make people scratch their heads and look at me weirdly when I try to explain.
    I'm not one for offhandedly spouting movesets and EV spreads, mainly because I only read articles for certain Pokemon - that is, my favourites and ones I use on my teams - and I'm fond of mixing stuff up, anyway.
    I just love ASB because it requires more strategy, since there's so much more you can do. Not to mention you can't knock out a Pokemon with one fell swoop. Plus, you can't go full-throttle all the time, what with energy and all, so you have to learn to pace yourself.
    Endure + Substitute = ??? What's the point of that Endure, then? Unless of course you'd be knocked out on that action, but then that Substitute would be moot, no? Sometimes I just get the feeling that people are vomiting up attacks at random. Trying to Leech Seed while your Pokemon is asleep = ._.
    *blows smoke from gun* No thank you :(

    Ah, you play competitively? I sort of do, but only on Shoddy, because I can't be arsed to EV train and stuff. I rarely make random challenges, but that's because I'm almost always booked xD; But I know what you mean with those commands. Like what do you actually think Splash is an OHKO? ._.
    Oh, well...! xD I'm fine with the Tricksy Village, but if you want to create another arena, then it's all up to you~
    Haha, that's true :P But I am a nice, fluffy, innocent dragon.
    Perhaps? Well it may be just that I'm addicted to ASB and I must have all the challenges I can get. Yes, I think that's it.
    Uh, I'd like to refrain from the Sketchpad, since I'll probably take a looong time using the pen due to my perfectionist tendencies, and I don't quite have the time for that. The Tricksy Village sounds interesting, though! ...that is if I can be arsed to read the description properly and get the information through my head; I skimmed through the description the first time around.
    ...Dwagie, I agree that we should have an ASB match. Though I am barred at the moment so-! Well, my battle with Typh is about to finish, so I don't think we'll have to wait long. Would you mind making the arena? I'm horribly uncreative with stuff like that, and from what I can see - well, you make some pretty damn interesting ones! Just lay off a bit on the alcohol; I'm underaged :P
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