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Bluberry Bat
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  • When he evolves, he'll be dark-type. I'll explain the below, then since he's dark, that kinda mottled his brain into thinking 'hey, I can control this. let's use this for...fun C:<' This does not bode well, and the ghosts try to balance it out, causeing the Yang for his Yin.


    Okay think. Frequent charmer detective army psychic.

    ..that sounded way better than I thought o:
    I'll link it once I can find eet~

    Hell yeah, me too. Personalityies are fun <3 Rehabit, for example. I plan to add this when I can be buggered to actually edit, but he's all crazy-wacko insane with a helping of being so disturbed by the ghosties he sees, after he snaps outta it, he's...well, d'you know what Tranquil Fury is? It's what it sounds like. Replace Fury with Fucking Brainpan Insanity. His sig move once he evolves is a huge Yin-Yang bomb.

    ..yeah that sounds dumb but still D:

    Although since Shawn is named after a TV show character (fff my fangirling over this show knows no bounds) he technechally has a theme song. But that's cheating~ Plus I have other ideas.

    ..halp plz ideas? o:
    I have~

    Alya's: I love you. Forever. LesYay style *shot*

    Ammy's: ...noo not Death Cab For Cutie ;-; Ive been trying to go clean, cause their songs are damn catchy.

    It must be a redevous of lurve and pain.
    ...The Mascochism Tango? o:

    I can has steal concept? :D
    I could have aclled it Dragovum, I guess, but that sounds much less awesome.

    And come on, a lot of canon Pokémon have far more unforgivable names than "Dragomelet". Exeggcute is a case in point.

    Sorry but we do have disgusting organ soup battle for the time being. Even if it's somewhat dead. >>
    No I'm not going over my challenge limit again >:(

    Besides when I'm free I have like eighty other challenges I've been promising people since forever.
    You're not a terribad ref, just an inactive one :3 *COUGHTEABATTLECOUGH*

    We so should. And I have seen yours and Zora's but not read it all yet, though I must do because it's reffed by Blazhy meaning it has to be the awesomest thing there has ever been.
    Aw I wanted to apply for one of those. Guess I'll have to settle for bank staff. Grats though :3

    Imma Leet Ref nao.
    ...I don't blame you, Dwagie. Did I ever tell you I kinda...snapped? In class, I mean. All of kinder-3rd gradish I guess. Shit happened, lot of it, and it takes a toll on you. Two family members gone, two you really liked, and one that could've. (Mum's fine now though.) Those three from roughtly the same thing (different kinds but.) I'm lucky the past principal reitred, or else I'd be chucked into high school with a note on insanity. And kids still hold it ver my head, since I've been with them forever, so I can never, ever, utter the word psychic without someone, anyone, reminding me of that...

    God, I'm rambling. Sorry, real sorry. If it helps uhhh I've been sent to ER's before for well...snapping. And thinking of dying too often, and other stuff.
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