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Bluberry Bat
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  • By the way, in referene to Lars's (failed) signature attribute, it's often preferred to have offensive moves traded for offensive moves and vice versa.

    Yeah, Ragna's English voice is quite excellent. It's pretty weird, though, because... Well, do you know Eternal Sonata? He also voiced Frederic from that game, and him and Ragna are quite different, so it took a bit to get used to. The only thing that bothers me is that he goes all GARRR in battle, but it's just a minor nitpick.
    Her 'royalness', for lack of a better word, seems rather forced, too. Though I admit I laughed at that xD Tao's English voice is okay as far as English voicing goes, but her Japanese voice? Epic. Another English voice actor that grates is Jin's - makes him sound less psycho and more "RAWR", if you know what I mean. Seems to destroy a good part of his character for me. :|

    Ah, I guess Game Freak needs to go out there and listen more to their fans? I'm not exactly going to take a stab at which Pokemon get prevos, since I'm not that good a forecaster and whatnot. But seriously, Farfetch'd needs an evo, not a prevo! If they do give Farfetch'd a prevo... *raaage*
    Ahaha I prefer Wonder Guard- *shot*
    Well, since I have a bazillion favourites, it's probably going to take me even longer :P

    Well, everything has its ups and downs, I suppose. Some people would rather have sympathy than a solution - you can offer sympathy, I can't. While you may feel like a wimp and whatnot, you probably come across as someone who cares, and me? I'm just standing there like a lump, trying to think of something.
    Haha, I just prefer Japanese voices overall. Arakune's is okay, but his Japanese voice is amazing. I went through his entire voice gallery, and holy shit, that guy can talk fast. Plus the echoing and whatnot just lends it an eerie edge.

    Well, I can't exactly imagine Raichu getting an evolution, since that line is marketable and stuff. So of course they had to give it a small, cute, baby prevo! But yeah, babies should be eaten. ...At least in the Pokemon universe.
    Haha, actually, Cleffa has an amazing movepool, so...! It's usable, really.

    Ah, I get it. But you can't exactly help it, right? :| I mean I'm rather indifferent by nature, so I can view stuff from a third-person view, but I wouldn't know about you.
    Aaa... I haven't played BlazBlue in absolutely forever, not to mention I played with Japanese voices, so I don't remember many quotes at all. OTL

    No, let's not. xD Though it's just trauma and Pokemon are much stronger than humans, so it's sort of strange to see a huge snake like Arbok keel over from lack... of... dreams...
    I know what you mean. The only amusing one at all is Azurill, but that's only because it can change genders when it evolves x3 Otherwise, what are they there for. Pachirisu's 'cute', and it's not a baby Pokemon. You can make cute Pokemon without making them babies. :|
    Thankfully I don't quite like any of the Pokemon who have babies in their family so I guess I'm safe in that department~ Though uh... Bar battle with Soothe Bell, yes! It doesn't matter if you win or lose, so long as you get happiness points and entertainment, amiright?

    Sometimes you just need to let people vent on you, but other times... ergh. It's tougher than that. :| I'm not quite sure what to do either, except listen and try to assure her it won't be too bad.
    Indeed! They 'faint' after you suck dreams out of their heads! ...Why is Dream Eater such a high-power move anyway o.O
    Haha, I'm not that original, either. It's either crossbreeding, 'this Pokemon can do this, but mine happens to be really good at it!' or basing stuff off of mythology. Even Yukianesa's Pebble Jet is loosely based off of something I read some time ago >.>
    Though I fully support Niflheim's signature move and attribute. "In the end you and I are both useless useless useless ahahahaa!"
    Personally I think Lucario's a bit overrated, and I'm partial to baby Pokemon in general... For me, it's just the design. I look at it, and think, "Damn, that looks awesome. Must use." and then the Pokemon usually grows on me.

    Oh, I see... Well, it's not like I'm that good of a comfort person, anyway. I don't feel like I'm making much of a difference. Social issues in school, I can deal with, but stuff like this... Ugh. I just feel so bad now, because she's helped me a lot, and I can't help but feel like I'm failing in returning the favour.
    Well, maybe you could downplay it and say it only rips out a bit of their soul, thus dealing damage? And oh! Maybe as a side effect the victim could forget a random move x3 I don't know, I get the weirdest ideas.
    Wow, you do love Riolu, huh? Well... I can understand, since that'd be two signature moves and all... Oh, maybe you could make it work differently under different circumstances, like Curse? I'm not sure.

    Typh? Well... I'm not sure if I should be telling you, but to put it vaguely, one of her family members is, well, sick. It might be serious business, it might not, but she's really worried and stuff and :| She should be fine in the long run, but for now, uh... Yeah, I'm not too sure. I've been talking to her, trying to encourage her and stuff; not sure if it's really working...!
    Ah, 'kay, thanks. :3 It would be kinda unfair for me to tweak percentages though, right...? Since it's quite overpowered as it is. Hrm.
    Hay Dwagie! I'm probably going to be modifying Kayne's signature attribute, but I'm stuck on a few things. Not sure if Kayne should get Aftermath what with the whole 'therefore whoever slayeth Cain shall have it reboudn sevenfold' or whatever I kind of forgot. However, I'd like to keep Super Luck, if at all possible... :| I don't think it's possible? Not unless I reduce Aftermath's damage, and even then. Halp?
    Oh, the only thing I can do with Arakune is teleporting mindgames. I'm pretty good at that, but I'm horrible with them BEEEEEEEEES
    I dunno, I'm always one for fast characters with flashy combos. Ragna is slow and has some cool combos, but he just feels right to use, if you know what I mean. I try all the other characters and I always screw up and such. Hakumen is more centered around countering, I think - and he's ten times slower xD
    I can't stand playing Tager, either, since his style constrasts so much with Tao's - but anything's possible! My brother mains Tao, but subs Tager. Carl is nigh impossible to use, I have trouble controlling Nu's swords... etc.
    Jin is actually one of my favourite characters - but I'd hate him to bits in real life. I don't know, I tend to have a soft spot for those batshit insane characters in video games. At least the ice car is easy to dodge with Tao.
    Right, of course. xP I forgot about that. Then again, I'm not following CS as close as I followed CT.

    I wouldn't know~ I hardly play online, at any rate.

    It is a great idea - just overly complicated xD; Well, if you do get reffed by Twigs and you send out Katsu, at least you get an excuse to pick apart his calculations until he rips his hair out?
    Hey, good guy! Gimme some food!
    I used play around with Squiggly, but his battle style's just not for me. He is my favourite character, though. :>
    And aaaa I should've guessed Hazama, what with those weird thingies he can conjure and whatnot. Then again, I was thinking 'rivals, siblings... JIN RAGNA THAT MUST BE IT'.
    Naw, I have it on the PS3. :< Unfortunately. I'm vastly out of practice, too, though; last I played it, it was winter. And I haven't played with Ragna since the summer.

    Hmm, well... I don't know, just see how Negrek feels, I guess. The Drive Gauge would be a bit difficult to keep track of, too, but... *shrug* But remember Kusa's attempted sig with her Sableye's shadow? Yeah, that was too complicated, so it wasn't approved.
    Heh, I never really did mention it, did I? Yeah, I main Tao, sub Ragna. You?
    And I can't think of the character, but for some reason I thought 'Jin' when I read the names... I'm probably farrrr off aren't I xD;

    Yeah, I'd wait for Negrek's opinion. I recall her saying that she reduced the amount of modification slots from the last TCoDASB to prevent vastly-different-weird-stuff, but *shrug* I'm not sure. I'm not the Boss Lady.
    Also, Kayne is based off of Ragna x3 I'm planning to base his signature move off of Yami ni Kuwarero.
    Oh pff, don't worry; I'm pretty sure I did that too somewhere xP I just didn't reply because I had to go for lunch, and I had art classes after.

    Oh, maybe my stalking skills are just top-notch. *gleam* ;D

    Technically it was his fault that his 'fucking crap' wasn't getting approved. Ever heard of the term 'overpowered'? -.- And saying that would only make approvers more reluctant to approve it.
    I swear all the time, but it's just how he does it, yeah. Swearing left and right doesn't make you cool. Hell, I have a classmate who swears all the time, and everyone hates him. Prime example.
    I wouldn't know where he writes his reffings, but seriously, Microsoft Word. There's spellcheck there. It might not be reliable all the time, per se, but it'd correct most of the stuff at least! Proofreading doesn't take much effort, either.
    Honestly, he seems to be only in it for the money. He takes a lot more emergency reffings than others, and he's always trying to bargain for more - did you read that scuffle between him and Kusa about whether he should get the entire prize money at the end of the battle between KQ and Linoone? Rrrgh, just really annoys me. I got into reffing because I like writing. Honestly, I'll bet you my four Swablu that he'll be begging to be an elite soon.

    Maybe I could rig the Metronome generator and have both of them use Rest- *shot* Say, maybe one day two people could have a battle in the bar with two Spinda! It'd be perfect!
    Also when I read that last line I just thought: "Ol' Godzilla was hoppin' around Tokyo city like a big playground...~" Ah, it's been a long time.

    Yeah, that's true, but I always think of lyrics as the final fit, if you know what I mean? Bahh I'm probably just making excuses for myself xD
    I'm tempted to plagiarise your idea of giving Pokémon theme songs but I don't think there's enough epic video game music out there for my whole party.
    Yes, but Electric also resists just about every other decently tough attack Mareep can learn. so yeah.
    Oh, I see her around on some other sites like dA and such, and it says she's female there. Plus I was kinda sifting through the 'Behind the Avatar' thread and saw her picture so :D Yeah.

    I think it was mainly the effect chance... But still. Hell, you can bump it back up when you evolve. He needs to be more patient.
    Hm, yeah? To be nice, I hate him. His calculations tend to be so far off, it's not even funny. That Metronome battle he reffed between Metallica Fanboy and... Dr. Frank, was it? I didn't do the calculations myself, but I highly, highly doubt it could've been over in 2 rounds. And I spammed reffings when I was a novice and advanced, but hey, I actually put effort in them, double checked them - hell, he doesn't even use spellcheck. Negrek must've been feeling very generous when she promoted him. And that excessive swearing and, like you said, BOLD TAGS and crossout and questionable humour... he really ticks me off. I would rant more but yeah.

    Awwww. Well, there's gotta be something else out there! Haha just wait until the Metronome generator rolls Attract or Captivate.

    If I somehow find time, I might actually choose theme songs :> But it'll be difficult, what with lack of lyrics to help me along. Also, I love Twitch's signature move~ ASB needs more coffee!
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