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Bluberry Bat
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  • Hahaha... I wish I could read so well that I could understand import games... and I've been practicing for the past two years. |Db Games like Pokémon I can get cause, to quote surskitty, "it's Pokémon. You don't need reading comprehension for Pokémon." JP Pokémon games are really good for beginners, actually, because they're all in kana. (Assuming you know the basics, like the differences between hiragana, katakana, and kanji.) So you can mumble the words aloud to test your kana reading... once you learn kana, of course.

    I've been asked this question - where to start from ground zero - often, actually. The way I began was by studying the kana chart and learning the kana. You really want to start with learning the kana no matter what you do; some books are all in romaji, but that's just a crutch... especially since there are some romaji styles that will grate on you if you start with Hepburn, though that's for a bit later.

    The number one book I always recommend for new learners is Japanese the Manga Way by Wayne P. Lammers. I bought this book maybe two months after I started learning, and I still flip through it and learn more things today. If you can find a Mangajin book in your bookstore, I'd pick that up too. I don't use a paper dictionary: Denshi Jisho is excellent for all my needs.

    Eevee uses a flashcard program, and Keta uses Lang-8, though that's probably too much for beginners... and once you've got down kana, I like to use Kanji Gold for getting down the basic kanji. I've played a lot of JP-learning DS games, and the only English one I could halfway recommend would be My Japanese Coach... and then, only halfway. It's got the important pronunciation down and a stellar portable phrasebook, but the lessons themselves are less than perfect. A nice JP-language DS dictionary is Sonomama, though that's again a bit more advanced for a beginner, and is apparently awfully expensive when you get it legitimately, cough cough.

    So yeah, definitely learn kana and definitely pick up Japanese the Manga Way. Other than that, it depends on your learning style... I also pretty much read every JP book on the library shelves :B The grammar is not that difficult once you pick up the writing system, it's very logical. Hope that helps!
    It's always been like this, actually. The competitive battling section, the coughing cupboard, artist lounge, sprites and pixel art section, art request shops, ASB, and Safari Zone never have unread posts for long.

    Well, I'm biased. Though if you ever find that in the theatres, you have to give me a call. Fuzzy purple comet~
    Yes, I know. I see everything that happens in ASB. *dundundun*

    Isn't he? xD I still like NINJATOES though.
    Actually, Noperajina's primary role is not like dusknoir but a moderately fast dedicated physical attacker, something ghost sorely lacks outside of Origin Giratina (banette fails); it just came out so bulky-looking that I couldn't not give it nice defenses and high HP to go with it. :P
    Sure, that's fine. Just go ahead and post on Klaitning's picture, and I'll remove the vote from Noperajina when I have time. Noperajina is one of my favorites, but in all honesty the Dex Registry in general is overloaded with certain types (ghost being one of them) and I'm sort of regretting even suggesting some of them in the first place. >>; Anyway, go ahead.
    Oh really? We can has also TV show marathons? o: Itr would be like Mystery Science Theather 3000 but better.

    Mainly cause Sable and Cookies and Zoraface seem like really cool guys, eh watch stuff and doesn't afarid of snarking

    Well yeah, but I'm currently working on the last round for the bar battle and - well, you know what? I think I'll just take it without posting in the e-ref post ;D

    He's fighting with a BUTTERFLY MASK on. And the ending killed me.

    Hurdy, Typh are perv a lot actually x3 S'why no one wants to watch stuff with Typh: I'd be all "Oh so this is the scene where that guy removes the other's tie and ties it over his eyes, while sucking on a phalllic object. And the third watches."
    You didn't come off as a jerk at all, honestly. Typh is like that a lot. S'why I'm not really talking to Fish down there...why does every one I meet wanna kill themselves? D:

    Nah, someone's probably never played eet. And I'm starting with the third game..urk. Bad idea. alla these cases are references to prevous stuff, nye.

    And really that Man Festivalis the most flamboyant thing I've seen in -- o.o The loser recieves the winner's manhood ahahahaha oh god this is painful ahahahahahahah
    e.o I never joined the forums, but I stalked the news (along with PokeBeach and Serebii) until they slowed down. I finally joined PokeBeach, got banned a while back, joined SPPf, joined here, yadayadayada.
    Oh, I see. Negrek normally has paralysis fade really slowly - that is, 1% per action - but if that's the way you do it, I'm fine with it~
    Yes I'm being a sore loser I don't want Kergen to attack at all mwahahaha

    Oh, back when I watched that video, I connected my iPod to my speakers, so I didn't hear the music. :/ Maybe I should watch it again, if only for the music.

    You know what I love about TCoD? I don't remember who said it, but I remember reading a post that said something along the lines of, "We don't delete posts here. We leave them up and let people mock them ruthlessly." That just made me go :'D
    Though uh. o.O I think I'm staying far, far away from the Marriland forums now.
    Oh, that place. He battled UNTOUCHABLE, right? That person was a complete idiot, though, so it probably wasn't staged. Didn't EV train (he said he trained them to level 100 by beating the Elite Four over and over again), and his Empoleon had Brine, out of all things. It would've been borderline acceptable if it didn't already have Hydro Pump. You see Pokemon idiots who think they're the best because they beat the game without any problem and trash all their friends with their Arceus all over the place.

    You can rant all you want, really. If you wanna let off some steam, then taking it out on your keyboard is a nice option.

    Totally~ I should get around to reffing a Metronome match some time. I recall a battle where there was a Beautifly, Butterfree, Lotad, etc. trauma count - I think that was Negrek vs. moon-panther, reffed by Kratos? So you'll be fine.
    ... :D
    Oh? Which forum did you guys originate from?

    Oh, I see... Being a Canadian I have no idea how the US works, so I don't think I can't help you - not to mention I suck with financial stuff in the first place. But that sucks. :| There's... not much I can say, really. Aaa failing to be helpful again

    Good matchup indeed~ But damn Luxio needs to be faster.
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