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Bluberry Bat
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  • I know, right? I never thought I'd see the dreaded Database Error page ever again.

    Sweet~ Just a question, though: would you ref Thunder normally in this arena, or would it hit the top of the dome and fizzle out, or something? If it works, then will its accuracy be affected by Sunny Day, since in the arena effects it says that weather effects aren't really realized to their full potential? For that matter, would Rain Dance affect the accuracy of Thunder?
    Arright~ Making eventually.

    D: nonon it's for summer. Just fuggin' round with sandboxxing, go nuts and alla that. Go read Zora's an mine con-*shawt*

    Exactly how d'profiles work? Do I just start a thread or..? Argh it feels weird being on the outside looking in but I wanna get stuff right D:
    I hope I do dis right~

    By the by, didja see our other plans for this crossover rp? *shot* x3 aaa why do i always mention eet D: I'm kinda proud of my idea though; I can't really write arepeez
    Oh, Joseph? He's nothing but a sprite-stealing dumbfuck. Stealing from Shadix AND Aocom was just begging for him to be banned.
    It was, but I'm not sure if it would've remained in the league if he got banned. At any rate, I have a few doubts about his spriting skills - his avatar was stolen, and he apparently only gave credit recently. From what I can see, his other stuff is great, but... *shrug* I'm still skeptic.
    Oh yes, I don't know if you've realized, but I e-reffed your offal soup battle :> And you're attacking first~
    Ugh, Twigtard must have started a revolution. I swear, the noobs started pouring in by the dozens once he came along.
    o rly nao? Ten!Typh was...okay probably not that bad, but close to. *inches away* My past scares me.

    also omg soft serve <3 it feels summery

    Voltrob flip? hhnnng. And this is why I'll play Platnium on the side. but aaa why does my DS red so often ;-;
    Midnight omitted this when talking about Pokémon in Japanese: they use spaces. So you'll never actually confuse particle-ga for ga as part of a word since there's a space after ga.
    Pros: we no longer have to fear putting stuff in the e-ref post!
    -over 9000! headaches.

    Cons: who knows, it may just be a passing 13-year-old-person phase and he'll be back in a week!

    Better? :>
    Win. D: I mean even thirteen!Typh wasn't that bad...was she? >: Last year-ish I mean, when Dwaggles and Typh first met and stuffs.

    On another note, eeehehehehe SoulSilver~
    Pros: we no longer have to fear putting stuff in the e-ref post!

    Cons: we have no miserable reffings to mock.
    Glad the rambling helped! \o/ Yeah, I mean, the lack of kanji helps for kana readings, like I said, but if you don't have the /vocab/ of the average Japanese ten-year-old, the lack of kanji actually obscures meanings. If I have a phrase like ちがうたたかい, I might say something like "okay, I know 'ga' is a particle and 'uta' means song and 'takai' means tall or expensive... according to the dictionary 'chi' means blood, so... 'blood is an expensive song'? I don't get it, but those crazy japanese!" On the other hand, if it's in kanji as 違う戦い (chigau tatakai, a different fight), I don't have that problem. If you don't know the kanji, it's a matter of trading in one incomprehensibility for another, but if you do, it's much faster and more legible. So there's that.

    Keta and vee and skoots and I and a bunch of other cool cats hang out in #tcod. Sometimes we actually discuss Pokémon. And something like a half-dozen of us, including all the above mentioned, are in some stage of Japanese knowledge (Keta is the best, being nearly fluent in JP and Chinese and probably a bunch of other things), so we discuss Japanese frequently too. (By the way, vee is awesome, go read his blog. skoot's too.)
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