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Bluberry Bat
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  • Happy birthday! :D I'd get you another Riolu but I'm not sure if you'd need any more of those. So I'll let you pick~
    Happy birthday, drunk person whom I plagairized a nickname from.

    I'd buy you some alchohol to celebrate, but I'm afraid that your body would explode from any more intoxication.
    I... I squeed more than I've squeed in a long time looking at those OMG <3 You lucky girl :D
    Oookay... Good luck with everything ;v; Work hard! Rest effectively! Rant if you get angry!
    Hehe, your list is short. For me, it's Spanish, Japanese, Esperanto, French, German, Norwegian, Chinese, Korean, Dutch, Latin, and anything else I can get learning materials for :D Yay polyglotness. (I actually can speak basic Spanish fairly well at this point, too). I doubt your head will cave in, people do do that for a living :3

    She's not really so much a fair-weather friend, because she is there for me when I need her. It's just... when she's in a bad mood... *shudders*
    Two wrongs don't make a right, though. And she has low blood pressure like I do, and faints more often then I do, so yeah!
    Poor thing :<<< I don't know how to help you though ><;;; My fixerizationating just came naturally... Um... don't go to bed hungry, thirsty, or needing to use the bathroom if you can help it? That's helped me a lot...
    And yeah... holding on 'till around August 31 :'( (And then around Christmas, and then around Valentines Day, and then around April 5... and it's gonna be a cycle like that for a few years. Maybe a few other days too. I don't know yet. And that's depending on how things work out.)
    OMG You and FMC :3 Just the mental picture is squee. Sorry about the America thing, though. I wish I had money to send you to help you >< All I have is two dollars... and no job... :< (And I certainly don't mind you complaining ^^ You have more to legitimately complain about than most people I know, that's for damn sure. And it's what doesn't kill you that makes you stronger :3 And you are a very strong young lady, I must say.) Also; Canada is awesome. They speak French in Quebec!

    As for me, I've been okay. Had some kinda bad luck with a best friend... she kind of... lets just say that respecting my personal space and status as a human being was far from number one on her list of priorities. And later on, she found out that I had a secret I couldn't tell her (for legal reasons, mind you). She became very mad that I couldn't tell her, and we've barely spoken since. Fun. My other best friend... has basically been a bitch (such as, yesterday, I went to do her a favor and when I came back, someone had eaten half of my lunch. Said friend did nothing about it, because person who ate my lunch was the guy she likes. I have low blood pressure and I nearly fainted later because I didn't eat ^^ Fun times!) And my boyfriend's moving soon and then I won't see him 'till August. And I moved across town a few months ago to a month ago (the move took several weeks for a lot of reasons). These are all the reasons I haven't been on T-Cod much lately. But otherwise, things have been going pretty good for me ^w^ I've been sleeping much better than I used to :D
    You. Me. Talk more! Now! How are you? How have things been going? Are you still in America? So many questions~!
    Hmm... Maybe we could limit the number of super-effective moves used? I don't know.
    Well, it's more because I usually opt for fast-paced battles with high damage caps and limits on chilling and direct healing. It basically translates to BAM BAM U DIE NAO 'KAY

    Well, maybe they are reading it, but for the sake of being evil they decide not to include the option?
    ...I probably just psyched us all.
    Actually, is Ammy your signature Pokemon? Because Phalanx is mine and blatant type disadvantages = D:
    Well, right now a battle of mine is being sorted out, so if you really want to we can make the challenge soon. But after punching huge holes into Pokemon left and right, I kind of want a slower-paced battle to unwind a bit, if you wouldn't mind?

    Well, you can't have everything D: Hopefully they'll somehow see this message and include the option. *wishful thinking*
    Well not now, of course. And I could always do a ref-exchange so he won't bite, you know?

    Also the new announcer for BB: CS doesn't sound as good as the first :(

    Dude, we should totally make a battle arena based off of BlazBlue and fight with our signature Pokemon there. And have Mike ref it and call it NINJATAIL vs. NINJATOES
    ...Ninjatail vs ninjatoe? IT'S ON.

    No, it's okay, really! :D I have enough battles going on. It can wait.
    'As far as sexual relations go it really doesn't matter to me, as long as there's cuddling. :> ..Perhaps very inappropriate cuddling~'

    ...snrrrkkk win

    ...on a side note your transparentmoveyavatar isn't working in VMs either. What is up with every one of those uploaded in the recent pst.
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