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Bluberry Bat
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  • why am i ever allowed to do anything

    I'll redo Zappa's first two actions minus the Mikeness then.
    You know I wouldn't be surprised if you did say such a thing and I fucked up. But it doesn't say anything like that in the arena description so you probably didn't. And there was nothing that could really fill up with a wave-full of water until the Hyper Beams started blowing shit up, so my hands were kind of tied.
    My lack of Xbox still makes me sad, so I can't even play CS with you :c (I'm semi-depressed for not being able to play Vesperia >.>)

    After we get all moved into our new house though, my parent should finally stop putting it off so she can send it in, and I can buy CS agaiin on the Xbox :D
    So due to the recent requirement for an icon-sized sprite for all Dex Pokémon, would you mind if I did one for the Sabitten line?
    Too bad there aren't more bear Pokemon that I can think of I already have a Teddiursa D:

    (I finally reached Gruntilda today and my N64 has suddenly decided that C^ goes into first person mode whether I have Z held down or not which makes things difficult at the COMPULSORY EGG SHOOTING AND NOT FUCKING AROUND OR YOU GET HIT BY METEEORS stage)
    Don't get too close! The concentrated cute could give you diabetes!

    ....Glad you liek them. ;D
    D: You should've told me you wanted a Vespiquen. I have the dough to afford it.

    ...But hey, if you're satisfied with that Riolu and Misdreavus then I guess it's all good xP
    aah~ You're welcome! So happy I could adorablemufficate you :3 (Uh yeah I have a fever so. Strange words abound!)
    I know what you mean about wanting it to slip past XD
    Happy 12th birthday then~ :3
    Well, have I ever told you of my dream? An entire party... no, an entire ASB team of completely uniquely skilled Cradilies? ASB shall tremble before their might!

    ...Maybe I should get you a Lileep, just for the lulz.
    Or you'll just have to wait to see what I get you~
    Happy happy birthday! Today's your special day! Happy happy birthday! That's all I have to say! Happy happy birthday! May all your dreams come true! Happy happy birthday! From Dinny-roo to you!

    Happy birthday Sable~ *glomp*
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