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Bluberry Bat
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  • :( I'm so, so sorry to hear that *hugs* I really honestly wish I could help you somehow :<
    And meh. Life's been better, life's been worse. Things are going well in general, except my boyfriend probably won't be able to come see me until summer, but thankfully that's the only curveball life has thrown at me lately.
    A blind Riolu girl with an animated voodoo doll companion. xD That's certainly a new situation for me. I do have msn - which I'll send you over PM. >=3 Look forward to further plottings soon ~
    I'm really glad you like him. x3 Looks like he's starting to make a connection with little Anna already! I'd be interested in seeing them interact some more. How about you? =3 He could be like Mary Poppins... only with curses and needles and absolutely no singing!
     Rrgh. Go get them approved and don't make my work be in vain.
    Aaaaaasghlgh why did you make such weird-shaped fakemon

    Um. I've tried to make some sprites of your lizardthings but they're just too much for me. I tell you this only so you know that about two and a half hours of my evening was taken up by this.
    Okay then. Give me a bit to adjust my profile and then I'll post the challenge.

    (a little bird told me you might be interested in this, by the way.)
    Oh, no, not that one--that one wasn't the evolved-only thing, that was just because we both had pokémon named after Centurions. I was talking about the Dr. Kaminko field, which was really just infinite energy at the cost of ~3% damage per round. I guess I'd be okay with the sketchpad, though.

    (Incidentally, yes you should play it. It's not as good as the first IMO, but it's still a lot of fun and the new characters are <3)
    Not better ideas that will actually be fleshed out anytime soon, though! Really it'd just be reusing something old.
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