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Bluberry Bat
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  • Sure cos I have feelings. And my shin is an erogenous zone or something.
    And I distinctly remember reading the word "Sable" in my dream last night. Stop almost appearing in my dreams D<
    I would've joined it if groups in general weren't dead. xD I actually lurked here on TCoD for at least a year - before the forum crashes - before joining. I mainly lurked in ASB, though, so I guess I picked up quite a few things.
    I think everyone does. :> But once you really start getting into it- bam! There's no hope for you.

    I've read your Coughing Cupboard threads, but I didn't know how much trouble you were having :| But can't you say, apply to a Canadian university and move in with someone, assuming they're willing, if you get accepted? Maybe I'm misunderstanding things - I hardly know anything about universities and stuff, after all - but yeah, I'd certainly move away if the country's system was giving me such a hard time.

    *tackles* I LOVE YOU except not really. Anyway, PM'd~
    Oh, opposite for me. I only started getting involved in these forums because of ASB. Actually, out of the 11 people on my friends list, 6 of them became my friends due to ASB-related things. Oh ASB, what would I do without you~ *SHOT*
    Oh, you got Mike into ASB? Haha, not enjoying it, really? It's much more fun than it looks, neh?
    Now if only I could pester some of my classmates into joining ASB.

    ffffffFFFF indeed.

    *hits self on the head* Right, of course. I keep forgetting that not everyone's in school. OTL So well... it certainly sounds like you have a lot of free time? o.O But I guess it would be a good idea not to delve into that any further.

    :D I'll love you forever if you do. But hey, you're free to do whatever~ Metronome matches = epic! They would be better if the Pokemon were drunk, though.
    Huh. I have a grand total of... ONE REF on my MSN list. And Dragon can't log into TCoD for reasons unknown.
    I find it interesting how Lars spazzed at KQ when she picked at his calculations, but when I picked at them, he remained relatively calm.

    Yes, that's true. xD I don't have time to read each and every reffing over like I used to, either, and I can bet she's a whole ton busier than I am.
    Oh, I see. Well, sometimes I ref during free time at school - saves me time after school. I know Mike has a bunch of free periods at school, and he uses those to ref. Though I don't know about your real-life stuff, so I think I'll shut my trap now. The whole upper portion of the looong list of challenges on the board is crammed full of newbies, but there are a few here and there that seem fine to ref. Better get them before I snatch'em - I've been in a reffing mood as of late >:)

    Public humiliation would probably pound some sense into his thick head.
    Mixed blessing, yeah. So long as you don't go out and request an e-ref. Actually, if you ever need one, contact me beforehand and see if I have time to e-ref it. It'll give both you and I some degree of satisfaction :|

    Originally I was just going to look at the end stats and command from there, but then I decided to read it. ...I wish I hadn't. Really. I guess he figures that Negrek only reads the mocks, and doesn't read the ones he actually does for others. I will support you all the way if you do PM Negrek. All the way.
    If you want to get promoted, though, I'd say you might wanna ref a bit faster, you know...? xD; Gives Negrek more rounds to glance at and gets you noticed, I guess. Mike got up to elite pretty quickly, too - and he reffed at about the same pace as me when I started when he started.

    I think PMing Negrek would be a better solution - you might be able to get him knocked down to Novice in a quieter way. You could also ask Negrek to tell Lars not to rush his reffings as much, right?
    ...that said I'm highly tempted to take the second option. But arguments = messy stuff = possible infractions so uh. Though if it gives you any satisfaction, we're not the only ones who're pissed at Lars. Dragon was furious when I told her Lars had become a ref.
    I was surprised by how fast he jumped at the opportunity, too. Since we're both elite refs, he'd know that we'd criticize his calculations like no tomorrow. Hell, he doesn't even seem to take normal challenges anymore! It's all E-REFFAGE I GET MOAR MONEY THAT WAY. Maybe you should call dibs on something next time, and say you'll get the reffing up next morning. Just as a precaution. (though will he actually listen)

    Also, do you remember my battle with Mike? At some point Linoone had to step down for a week or so for exams. None of us actually requested an e-ref, and Twiggy jumped in anyway. Just... wat.

    Well, maybe you could PM Negrek about this, and ask her to impose a limit on how many e-reffings a ref can take on at once, given the extra money and stuff? I'm not sure.

    Yeah but this was a human. That was the weird thing. And I was just all "SABLE" and they were all "um wat" and I was all "huh guess they're not sable" which is weird cos I hardly ever call you Sable.
    No, was just sat there talking to a bunch of people and I think he touched my shin which I was somewhat happy about for some reason.

    my dreams are freaking retarded
    Vuff ah a vuffvuff.

    Last night I had a dream where I saw someone who was entirely blue and i thought they were you for some reason but they weren't. Then Barack Obama turned up.
    Keep playin' :D We'll havta have some awesome matches when I get my Xbox back. Maybe some involving more hitting each other with our Baden Baden Lillies XD I'm still not very good at it myself =/ But that's largely me trying to play Melty Blood when I'm not =/

    I'm sure I probably could fix it, but the problem is that I don't have a soldering iron to fix it, nor do I know anybody with one Dx
    What's original? They get zapped by an alien ray and obtain ~LASER EYES~, yes. *ASBgodlightning'd*

    Oh, uh, it forms a person bowing in shame. O is the head, T is the body and arms, and L is the legs. OTL
    Well, yes, I used to watch a lot of anime so I know several phrases that are useful. I can understand some, but usually they talk so fast that it may as well be moonspeak x3

    I... couldn't watch the entire video. It's just... FFFFFFF GAME FREAK *shakes fist*
    Maybe I should direct Mothra's fistshake at Game Freak instead of the RNG gods.
    Apparently it has. *nods* Thanks, Mike.

    It's everywhere, I tell you! Admittedly there are a lot of clichés out there, like 'he went through intensive training' or 'he escaped, but not without consequences', but proper spelling/grammar? Yes please.

    Well, I dunno. For me, there's too little info to go on as of now. I'm the type of person who generally doesn't ship stuff unless there's hard, canonical evidence.

    Haha, so should I. But the one thing that's putting me off is the weird sentence structure. I'd probably never be able to remember it properly OTL

    ...They did? ... T_T
    So is there like... a fake Game Corner or something? o.O
    Yeah, I'd love to set another time up, but unfortunately I can't right now; my Xbox red ringed a couple of weeks ago ;~; I'm sending it into Microsoft tomorrow, since my friend who can fix it for me won't be home till the summer, so hopefully I'll have a new one by next month; I just gotta renew my gold subscription when I do.
    Of course, I can't argue with that. xD;

    It's just funny how his grammar's okay; it's just his spelling. Usually it's the other way around.
    Oh, more or less. And it involved an epic battle which he only narrowly escaped from, thanks to his new abilities! Cliché much?

    It's a bit hard to put together, but it's incredible, yes. I'm not really an Arakune/Litchi person, since there's no solid indication that they were lovers. After all, what with her personality, Litchi just seems like the type of person who'd try to rescue any of her colleagues.
    Naw, when you execute Sticky Cat, it sounds more like "Nabunabi~" x3 But other than that: nyah! shnyah! hidoi-nya! haruheta-nya... etc.
    Oh...! Damn, I can see how that would be bad. When I get phone calls, or my folks do, I'm still all "oh shit oh shit let this not be it oh fuck ;-;" Argh, we're in the same boat it seems.
    ... :c

    Did I do something wrong? I kinda sorta...noticed the vm's. It's understandible, I can't talk to people about problems either. But trust me, I don't feel bad. Terrified in classes, sure, cause of the whole coming home and not wanting to find him ded and all but. He's doing okay...from what we've last seen.
    As an aside, I find it absurd that Headbutt is more powerful than, say, Flame Wheel. It's useful, sure, but I can't help but wonder why it has 80 BP.

    If I remember correctly, English isn't his first language, but... Ugh. Honestly, spell check isn't that hard of a thing to grasp, is it? And I just laughed at the aggresitivity thing.
    More or less. Actually, come to think of it, isn't his Totodile's attribute basically, "rawr i r aggressive!" as well?

    Well, a lot of them have sad/twisted storylines. I'm honestly very intrigued by Arakune's. Hopefully they let us in on more in CS, eh?
    I don't even know what Tao says when she does Sticky Cat, but it just sounds hilarious. :D *slides down a wall*
    By the way, I just remembered something. In ASB, STAB is reduced to 1/4, so a Headbutt from an Adaptability Eevee would be 120 base, but that's still pretty deadly.
    Oh God o.O Had I known Adaptability was that dangerous, I would've given Niflheim that ability in a heartbeat. Garr I still forgot the change the nickname >.> What I don't like about Lars's signature stuff is that the explanations are either totally outlandish, or far too ordinary to warrant the effects.

    If the video was louder, I probably could've understood a chunk of it, but I don't want to risk breaking my speakers/blasting my eardrums open x.X
    I like how she compared herself to the stage director in her... story mode, was it? How she can control stuff to an extent, but she can't interfere. Ah, I don't know, I'm just a sucker for metaphors.
    "That meat looks so juicy..." <-- I just made myself hungry now.
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