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Bluberry Bat
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  • Whoa. O: That...is big. I assume the hormone treatment is...?

    I'm not muscular. At all. Hairy is a more appropiate term, but not muscular at all. When my leg doesn't feel like a pincushion, I can do it, but other than that *cue liquid fiyaaaaaah* That must suck >< Typh no like gym. Typh no want to run around bastards. RAWWWWWWWR but I do get to walk a bit 'stead o' runnun :|

    Wheelchair cane jousting? SIGNUP FOR TEW PLZ

    *poof* What..I...what. Not-HOW? D:<
    Awww, c'moooon D:
    Sorryyyy~ *picks you up*

    Yeah, I can carry people that are taller then me on my back. WHAT DOES THIS SAY TO YOU X3 But only once, and it was uncomfortable, and everyone's short >D (5'6 Woo~)

    O: I wanna be a violent old person right now liike Nan. Not all the time, but imagine a 83 year old with the intent of mowing people down with a wheelchair. That she rarely uses, but stillll.
    If anything else it's a balance thing. My leg pain isn't too bad, but stepping down on that leg is not only veeeery unconfortable and painful, but I lose balance FAST. And I live a block or two down from school, no car, yeah.
    HOLY SHIT. are you sure you're lealous of me I mean SPARRING CANE. Once I diiiid try fighting with flamey here (...it's a sad day when you dress UP as House it is. I'm..flat though, so.) and some guy was a wizard with a wizard stick thing
    (this was sung during the match. SUNG. THIS is why Haslloween's special to me, it is)
    (and it was a tie C:)
    ...yes. >> I bought it from somewhere online, 20 bucks D:


    AND HE DUNKS HIS FACE IN CAKE AT THE END X33 why am i spoiling this i am so sorry ;;
    That would be a plan, but I walk to school *with* a cane. ><; EVERY pain excuse. EVERY ONE and all I get's an ice pack and permission to get a pain pill.

    ....aww D: I mean the first/second (two hr. premire-y) was awesoome nd movie like.

    I mean, he FLIES at one point. And when I say fly, have you ever heard of those...kida air areans or...? You put on some sort of suit, they put the air on, and you fly. ffffff i still wonder how fun that must've been to film *pistol-whipped*
    Uwaaaa on :D

    DD: Sounds horrible >:Currently, Im sitting in paaain xx. I somehow..er...Brick Break'd my own hip, for lack of a better term, stupidstupidarghhhhh. No, it's Monday, sorry D:

    Although I've currently just staring at the House MD title for today and being...confused, for lack of a beteer word o.o
    The ep's naemd Epic Fail I mean what *shot*
    I survive cause I draw House fanart during schoool~ *shot*
    Which is why Typh no mind Mundays. I fail, yes, but House MD makes me happy, which is rare nowadays, so C:

    Teachers aren't that bad, kids are way too loud, blahblahblah bottle rocket in science and a trained birdy that chirps when we whistle to it and stuff. derp.

    I-I sawwy I missed ye but if i stayed longer mom would cut my internets ;w; WEEKEND THOUGH...!
    YAY how? Isn't Monday yet.

    It's night here in Jersey. 10:12, to be exact. Gotta leave at ten thirty, cause lol school :B *shot*

    I loooove night. And sleeping! Until noon and before that I'll smash yer face in if I dun have my tea and Nice Hat (...shutup D:) on. Winwin~
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