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Bluberry Bat
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  • i probably aught to pressure mike more then. :D

    all hail us the new master race or something i guess. v0v
    Well, yeah. i've seen a guy get run over and someone failnted like three feet away from me yesterday. A friend too D: Guuuuuuh. But maybe tha's part of the reason I love Mythbusters so much? So many injuries...for scienccce! :D

    And I don't do that much, I try and keep a semi-open mind bout stuff :3 And pain's quite arrgggh x.o on anywhere that aren't my arms/legs/hands. actually, for at least the first two, I've kinda been training heat endurance. Like, putting the water all hot, and keeping my wrists in there for a long time, moving it sometimes for extra heat(yawp, I know...strange. Still may come in handy :/). It's immensly pleasing after you get used to it, though I know when to stop. Also helps to relax the things before I draw.
    Ohhh. I see. I'm...not that much of a machosist myself. I'm a sissy when it involves needles in me x.o Although watching anyone else get hurt's...almost fun.
    *slaps self* Sorry about that, I prolly missed the point x.x
    Ahh, wish I'd known that sooner xD Now I just gotta get my hands on a USB keyboard and I'm good to go >.>

    And I'd love to set up another time to play =) Only problem is that my Gold subscription expired, and I currently lack the money to renew it ;~; I'm thinking of pulling some of the money I'm saving up for Tekken 6 to renew it for a month or so though. But I actually might be able to renew tomorrow. I'll let you know! =3

    OHMEGOD I think that was magic.


    (xD It turned out to be water with food colouring but um. WE MADE A RAINBOW~

    If it was real chemicals, I'd be fucked since I got it spilt on me gloves. Damn beakers be heavy >:<)
    ...kay I'll spare some. Because and only because of the MST-ing you can do on those.

    And I can apprently evil eye like..half of them o.o *le stupid*


    These are your-ok, that explains de purple, yawp.

    Well, I tink if I hold somezing hostage...

    Maybe I can convince idiot fic writers to stop writing bad!fic and burninate me eyes.

    *Official Typh Face of Stoneitude*


    School. Wasn't. BAAAD o.o)
    No worries har har.

    Linoone is currently being weird and making its own Kaivatar and animating it BECAUSE SHE CAN.

    Although I should get a legit one, shouldn't I...
    Oh trust me we're trying. We have to move because aw fuck that whole school by district shit.

    They've known this for yeaaars. They help, too, cept Nan's now bound to a wheelchair at home (stil walking, just...therepy cause of an accident) and Mom has trouble with english. But she has chewed out the spnish speaking dolfs :>

    Well, that and we kinda sorta might wanna find one with that ATC program so I can et a chance at the carrer I'm trying to get (if I live that long, anyhows) but that's not nessesary and only my inner bigot speaking so :x
    Well I kinda....still have to. It's law here, I think. If you miss more'n 18 days in a marking period, you can't go on and then they investigate yer folks and they didn't do anything wrong D:

    At least I still have art class. Even though I had to face...the bluuuurge, our art teacher's awesome and lets me duck in there as much as possible, at least :>

    Plus even though some little kids are evil, it gies me a weeeee bit of pride seeing their faces when I draw stuff, heh.
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