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  • He'd be too busy hunting you down while doing math problems.

    Nono, this is what happens when you choose an art major /and/ you have a math-obsessed friend!
    I dunno, but somehow it will happen. |< None of my family members would want to touch /my/ cranial remnants. Ew.
    Good thing you didn't; the only time you'd hear from me or my relatives again is someone calling you to my house to clean my walls of cranial remnants.

    Pretty sure we just used normal pencils. But my kindergarten was some half-Chinese one, so I dunno.
    Is it something math-related?

    There are special pencils in kindergarten to help your grip? o.O News to me... we just had normal old pencils...
    ... something like that? I have no idea, and I've never remembered despite my teachers' attempts :P
    ): If I ask will you tell me?

    Ah, great. Is there a ~special~ way of holding that pen, or should I just finally learn to hold a pencil properly?

    No, I just quit. xD
    ... hum. Now I'm curious. :00

    Well, you know I hold my pencil like a Chinese calligraphy brush, right? Even though I didn't do calligraphy until middle school, hurr. Anyway, it's not... an optimal grip for sketching since you want your lines to be looser, nor for shading because you want to cover a lot of area a lot of the time. My grip gives me a lot of precision, maybe too much. Most teachers bother me about my grip and give up eventually, but there was this one teacher who raged about my grip and I eventually had to quit her classes. :P

    Haha, my parents don't interrogate me about my friends' grades xD If anything she'd interrogate me about how I met you, and then I'd be in some deep crap (since she's of the opinion that everyone on the internet is a pedophile out to get you).
    ... /auuugh/
    Have I ever told you how many of my art teachers tried to make me hold a pencil correctly? And failed? If I try to hold a pencil like most people do, my writing comes out all wobbly.
    Well, guess I'll have to try...

    She'd probably just hand it to me, but if she asks about who sent it to me, I'll just say "a friend from Vancouver" and squirm uncomfortably under her stare.
    A pen and paper is /very personal/ what are you talking about

    Nope, don't think she will be, and if she sees something with my name on it she'll give it to me without opening it. But I may save myself an awkward conversation.
    I thought they would win more games than Boston would in the best of 7 series.

    I'll probably watch the 3rd period, why?
    ... What did you send to bluzzyroo, if I can know?

    insufficient stalker

    Ottawa in 7
    Pittsburgh in 6
    Florida in 5
    Boston in 5
    Vancouver in 4
    Detroit in 7
    Chicago in 5
    St. Louis in 6

    Boston in 6
    Florida in 7
    Vancouver in 7
    Detroit in 5

    Florida in 7
    Vancouver in 6

    Vancouver in 6.

    Now (first round only, because I haven't thought that far ahead):

    Ottawa in 7 (still)
    Philadelphia in 6
    Florida in 6
    Washington in 6
    Los Angeles in 6
    Nashville in 5 (I feel good about this one)
    Phoenix in 5
    St. Louis in 7
    I suppose we shall see eventually. Though I do know some people who've demonstrated the inverse of that. But still.
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