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  • Perhaps I do...!
    But I was talking about oyster grey. :P

    ... huh. Well, it works fine enough, I think.

    It's not exactly incorrect, per se; just awkward wording. Repetition usually sounds awkward. tbh there's a few more examples of not-necessarily-incorrect-but-awkward sentences in the reffing but that's just being too nitpicky so.
    Tell me when he's made his decision :0

    Dilute it with just regular water, I'm assuming? ... now I have an urge to make some ink drawing with the original ink being the darkest shade and :D
    I... have a left-handed grip? o.O I don't see how that works but okay! And when I said "get the ink flowing" I meant I usually need to make a few lines before the ink comes out, and then it's fine. And so far as I've seen there's no scratching so it's good~
    Will do sometime!

    Am not D<
    Hee. You better not move before I can send you soemthing |<

    Yeah, and I had someone to ask for instructions from anyway, so why risk it? :P I tend not to abuse it horribly until I know how it actually works, in which case... anything goes.
    Technically Blazhy-colour is lighter but then you wouldn't be able to see it properly, haha. Thanks again though x3 I just tried using it and it actually works with my grip once the ink starts flowing.

    ... hnng ;~; Am not adorable
    Yeah. Sometimes she's smart enough to fly on the table and poop there, but usually not.

    Yeah, it's legible. And I remember what you said about Railway so I don't think it's a fake address :P

    ... oh, you can pull that thing out. I was afraid to use too much force in case I broke something, haha 8D; What /is/ the Blazhy-colour called, actually?

    And he did and is happy because he rarely gets pictures of me! Too bad I wasn't wholly serious when you took those.
    Tim Tim I got it! :DD Life is average, school continues to pile on lots of work but I'm managing, art is going fine, my health is fine, my mind maybe still a bit shaken. And my bird keeps pooping on me. Seriously, she's pooped on my five times in the past half hour.
    Anyway, I'm a big sister to you in ASB? o.o Really? Well uh you're welcome :D

    Thanks for the pen and paper 8D; Well now that I have your address I can draw something and mail it to you, haha! Hey, does the pen already have ink in it? It doesn't look like it, but I haven't the faintest idea how to stick one in there... derp.
    Indeed, but there is little we can do about it ):

    It was all over the news, and I listen to it every morning. But I didn't particularly care. :P
    Didn't get to intercept the mail today, but I checked the mail on the table and I didn't see anything. Nor did my mom tell me something was addressed to me...
    ...The 46th Degree.

    It's not like that at all in Victoria, 45% Vancouver fans, 45% Chicago/Boston fans, 10% fans of other teams.
    I possess skills.

    A fair measure of both skill and luck.

    No, but that applies to a few sports teams.
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