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  • But how can money be an issue when I offer to hand a ref 25 bucks just to pick it up? Seriouly, no idea how anyone would not pick that up. You'd have to be an idiot.
    See you told me, and I'm cool with that. But going away for two months and not telling me... yeah. Not cool RTB. I mean he did post in the AS, but he said that I didn't need to get one. It's been over too months. At least you respond.

    But the reffing around here is getting ridiculous. We need more refs.
    It's from Suited for Success, right after she crashes through Rarity's roof. It's the "I LOVE fun things!" moment.

    And I'll get to it.
    Oops, forgot about that, I'm so sorry! Can I get an extension? I doubt I will be able to get commands in until the weekend because of enormous amounts of school stuff...
    actually, since you had energy advantage, you could have attempted to pull shenanigans. the limit of chingling's ability to hurt you would have been mental confusion and mental intrusion psychic, neither of which were commanded this round.
    a captivate brings grass knot damage output down to 10% a shot, down from 14% a shot, bringing you from a 2hko to a 3hko, so it is most correct to captivate on action 1. from there, payback on action 2, then set up a dragon dance on action 3, totally 10% energy usage, leaving you at 8%, accumulating 10% damage -- you are now at 15%, against a 23%/15%, with speed advantage. this is ... difficult, but possible to extract victory from, with a bit of luck -- but no guarantees.
    ...! D: End of year or end of school year? In both cases uhm try to enjoy the mountains while you can and... here's an air e-hug if you want one?

    did I ever tell you I'm terrible at comforting people
    Oh yeah, this is still a thing. It's past DQ time.

    I completely forgot about the contest judging by the way, sorry about that. I'll get to it on either Wednesday or Thursday.
    see, when we mafia and we abuse "we", others would have difficulty whether we mean "we" the town, "we" the mafia, "we" the players as a whole, "we" as in res (count plural), "we" as in res (singular), we as in res (mass plural), we as in res (uncount singular), ....
    Well CZ and Mai both used we, and when they didn't they were talking about their own speculations and stuff, and I would use "I" in that case too. Because if I replaced "we" with "I" or something in the examples of my posts, it would sound awkward:

    "But then if/when I lynch the accused and they turn up innocent, I'll probably go after the accuser, yes?

    But then I could be shooting at nothing and end up killing off a bunch of innocents. Hrml."

    So I dunno how else I could've phrased it, but eh. I tend just to say "we" instead of "town" I guess, but would it have sounded different if I replaced some instances of "we" with "town"?
    Hm, really? Well, if you say so, but I was just making posts based off of what was given, and not what information I had access to as part of the Mafia.

    ... Excessive use of we? But how else would I put it?
    It was the first game of Mafia I'd played in a while, and even if I was a townie I think I would've contributed that much. And... did I actually claim I was town a lot? 8D;
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