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  • Good lord, Mai, I don't feel like stalking your VM's right now. :v

    Oh, hey, they told me to ask you as to why Mai's birthday is now in fact every day.
    Not giving a birthday present is as serious as that?

    But. I didn't actually reroll yet, see? I only asked you to do that. :D
    If that's pretty serious drama, what was your reaction to Colours and co.'s thoughts about res? o.o Did you ever see that?

    ;~; How? I do my best to please them! I pray every day, and make offerings and everything! Forgive me, random number gods!

    It's my birthday now. I'm not probably not going to get a present, which means that blazhy will not always give out birthday presents! :D (She didn't give a present to HighMoon. I didn't either, because at the time we were aware of HighMoon being a traitor.)

    What. No. I'm trying now, damn it. >| Reroll!
    She doesn't have to do that! My birthday present could be having a "birthday" every day.

    That's great, now hand over the milk.
    Well then, I'll just earn $365 and have blazhy give me a dollar of it back each day.

    Moomoo milk. I'm very lucky.
    What if I obsessively change the date on my profile so that it is my birthday every day?

    I don't know about Teetotaler. The trainers can have normal drinks, of course.
    Bluh I should stop being vague and useless. You don't make money from coupons, obviously, but you run out of money and give out coupons because they don't cost money, at least not immediately.

    Teetotaler drinks fermented berry juice--you're going to need that if you want to talk to her. It seems to be the same with all spinda according to the sig attribute, so...? It was mainly referring to that, but you might be able to make some money off of trainers. (Also these.)
    I'm not. I heard ABCD discussing Euclid with his math teacher, but I was too busy chewing on a stick of candy to listen properly. 8D; I'll ask him when he gets back.
    You'll run out of money eventually, and then you'll realize how much you need those coupons. They're useful. I'll forcefully take those!

    Of course. You'll probably need a lot of shuckle if you want to talk to Teetotaler and make this bar a reality.

    And if you mean VM, :D
    I'll either mug you or just continuously visit your bar for free. Either way.

    Teetotaler is a she? But either way, maybe you should go bother Negrek's shuckle for some assistance on that part.
    (Is that C or C++ or..? I can read it but I don't quite recognize it.)


    void main(){
    cout << "LOUUUUUDERR!";
    num == /*AT LEAST LIKE*/ 80; // OR SOMETHING
    return 0;}

    Ah. I tried ASB a looong time ago (pre-forum crash). I got a little too into the pokemon customization and not into the actual battles.
    Vague idea theft! The legal system in Asber isn't be that wonderful, I might be able to pull it off if I give away enough coupons.

    Go talk to Teetotaler.
    Pathos hangs out with Kratos and Negrek and got knocked out in the tournament, so in that way.

    :D You see why I had to write that, right?

    Teetotaler sees Kratos and Negrek hang out all the time! It's not wrong for her to assume they'd go out drinking together. And besides, if I recall correctly (I had a lot of time to stalk Kratos, I highly doubt I'm wrong), Kratos never used Teetotaler. It doesn't matter to her that Lesovik and Yakuza failed to wipe the floor with the chick that just burst into the building when there's alcohol on the line!!!

    She was in GO TEAM BYRUS mode, you can't count on someone to be rational like that.

    (Oh, and if you set up that bar I get free drinks for life. It's better than getting sued or something!)
    Maybe I should have mentioned Pathos being knocked out, though???
    Yeah, she does.

    It does! Even if it didn't, the idea of Cabanela!Negrek (Zapdos head optional) going out to a bar with Giratina!Kratos and Teetotaler trying to sneak some of their drinks is an endlessly amusing thing that I will never not love. (I do know about the character Kratos Aurion, but eh, I prefer the picture of Giratina doing that. Possibly uguu-sized as to not explode the building.)
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