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  • The reffing is like a week old, anyway. You didn't notice until now?
    What? I... figured that's what Teetotaler would act like. Yes.
    Yeah, I agree! And because sushi is the most awesome thing ever, I overate. Like /really/ overate.

    Haha, no, I'm also talking about me! Or well just a lot of refs in general.

    Will do~
    Also, RespectTheBlade says that he's sorry he hasn't been able to talk to you in a while. He's barely had time to go on the forums all break so... yeah.
    Haha, he's told me about that. :P But I expected Stench or Liquid Ooze.

    Too bad, I already had dinner! >D
    Yeah, but it's similar in that we close our eyes? I guess?

    Blindfolds kind of unnerve me. When you just close your eyes, you know you can see again if you open them, but with a blindfold you can't see, period. Plus I might forget some notes and I'll have to open my eyes to read the music. :P
    Ooh, I can relate to upward arpeggios and scales. As you go higher on the strings you have to be more precise and closing my eyes helps with that.
    It's magic! :D

    Then that's... a bit of a problem. I guess you just have to have a feel for it and a good ear?
    ... that wasn't even intended OTL

    Well, you should know the general area to place your finger, and you can lean it to one side to make it flatter or sharper. But ideally you shouldn't need to do that. :P
    On the contrary I can't play piano with my eyes closed. I always hit the adjacent keys, and I generally suck with jumps even while looking at the keyboard. But with violin, I guess it's about hearing the notes and adjusting? And if you shut down one of your senses the others become sharper (or at least that's what I've heard).
    As I said, he's a prodigy. Meanwhile you'd completely own him in math. :P

    ... wait, you play piano better with your eyes closed?
    Well, if you think that Background Pony was a service, read End of Ponies, written by the author of the aforementioned Lyra-centric fic. It's also really fucking long- even with my "holy-shit-son-you-finished-the-whole-page-I-just-barely-finished-the-second-sentence" reading speed, it still took me almost 45 minutes to finish a chapter! Also it has like 25 chapters or something.
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