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  • Apparently the canon is that we used real legendaries for research for the simulations and then, when the simulations were complete, we locked them in the basement. Or something.
    Yup, that's generally how it'll go.

    And then the legendaries in the basement will probably die of starvation or something.

    Also the Delibird in your avatar is awfully adorable. It's like "OMG this is a present and it looks like me and my mouth is triangular"
    hey am not a geography person

    I live in connecticut and have no idea where ansonia is

    I live so close to canada and don't know how many provinces it has

    actually wait do you have provinces or prefectures, and if the former then what is it that uses prefectures
    ... oh hey 重庆 is right next to 四川

    also ew 四川 foodstuffs have terrible names

    I mean, 回鍋肉 would mean leftovers in any other part of the world

    also would think that 麻辣 would mean you just got poisoned but
    "Our" business? I already have a business. :P

    But if it means owning a bar then I'd abandon the simulations in a heartbeat
    ... seriously, a 烫 is a kind of food? ew. that sounds worse than ... okay, not as bad as, say, husband wife lung slice, but.
    Oh no, it /is/ serious business in Asber. You do not interrupt underage drinking. It is a sacred tradition.
    Nono. It's logic. It's math. I dislike both.

    Imaginary drinks for the imaginary soul!
    (I bet Negrek will and then she'll burn your business down. D: )
    All I can really understand is going off on a tangent, being quite an imaginary (imaginative?) character, appearing polar cold, knowing your limits... I don't know the calculus at all. And if any of what I didn't understand isn't calculus, well, there you go.

    Xanth is from a book series aptly named "The Magic of Xanth". In essence, it's a magical counterpart to Florida (usually, sometimes it "moves" to other earthly peninsulas). Every human conceived there and delivered via stork has a unique magical talent. It's a rather punny place.
    Indeed, I'm horribly biased against physics. If there's one thing I regret about going to my school, it's that both physics teachers are insane.

    Because... alcohol. Yay.
    (but how would it even /work/ ): And most people are underage!)
    ?? I just saw PHYSICS on the banner and then I closed it.

    ... I dunno. It's just... alcohol. Yay.
    (you're not taking this seriously are you?)
    Ahahaha they spelled his name wrong. It's Burlacu. He's a good friend of mine :D His cheeks are very stretchy and that makes me happy.
    ... oh wait, physics? Nope, not doing that. I suck at physics.

    You will forget every battle you're supposed to ref! And you'll be able to lament to other referees about lack of motivation!

    ((yes it was. :P))
    Poop. I might ask around for other science competitions, then. Although again, unlikely I'll actually find a team. :P

    That would be the /best/ business. Whoever owned it would be rich in no time.

    Also have I mentioned I'm heterosexual today? (even though I'm not)
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