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  • I dunno, maybe he is. I hope he is. I glanced through the rest of his videos and the sound quality in all of them aren't that great, haha. And I'd tell him that except it'd be a bit awkward since that was 3, 4 years ago? :P

    That's what most people ask me, haha. I just... know. I can't explain it, really. It's sort of a sense of touch and sort of just /knowing/? Sight doesn't play a part in it; in fact I play better with my eyes closed.
    Can't be worse than me!
    If we're talking about individual notes, the violin's better, but the piano can do all those fancy harmonies~ I have a classmate who's a friggin' prodigy with the piano and whenever he plays I tear up because it's so beautiful ;~; (not really but) But I'm just terrible at controlling both hands at once or maybe all those fingers or I don't even know, I just can't play piano properly. D: Violin comes naturally to me.

    Holy crap my fingers would be dropping off my hands in exhaustion by the first half-minute.
    Also haha look at what I found: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UezeUVvvwN8&feature=relmfu
    (that's the classmate I was talking about earlier)
    Yeah, but imo violin is a nicer instrument than others! I'm not very fond of brass instruments, for example. Anyway, I like playing violin more than piano but I like how piano sounds more.

    You should record yourself playing piano and let me hear D:
    Oh no, I watched the entire thing (while drooling in envy of course).
    Yeah, it makes me sad that you can't do harmonies and blah blah blah with violin, but it's a nice instrument in its own way. :3 And it's something I can play halfway decently!
    No idea what that piece is! 8D;

    Give or take a bit since you don't actually know my residence down to the house, but... D:
    >[ bluzzy and Linoone and res and I are the only real Big Brothers!
    ... not often, actually. She usually calls me "sister" in Cantonese since I'm the "sister" of the family.
    I see.

    Woah woah what is this you're calling me by my /real name/ you didn't even do that in /real life/!
    Yes, I have very low standards for everything except for art. If I don't get a 100 in art then I'm sad.
    Why not be in the gifted program /and/ have challenges outside of school? :D

    I just tell her I get over 80s in math and that's enough to get on the honour roll and that's good enough. My mom's not very Asian. :P
    And if she would use that method to try to persuade me to get higher in math, she would've told me to learn from ABCD.
    Ahaha, I figured. :P Apparently ABCD's the first person to take calc in grade 11 in this school, but you took it in grade 10, right? Anyway, are you in another special program, then?
    I guess that's the difference, then; I'm in the gifted program not for the challenge, but because I can't really fit in socially in a regular class. :P

    Naw, my mom's not the type to ask for grades. Even if she does, she knows I dislike math and I'd wave her off anyway.
    ... probably? Not entirely sure since my own test wasn't complete. Most of us take it in grade 3 and start the program in grade 4. o.o And iirc only the top 2% in BC go to the gifted program, so. Why do you not want to go to it if a lot of others do?
    (myself I just like being in the gifted program because I don't fit in socially in a regular program OTL)

    ... what? :P
    You can uh... make new friends? 8D; Who knows maybe you'll go to the same school as me are you in the gifted program

    She doesn't, but I can just say you're a friend and she won't question it. :P
    I am... not the best person to ask for these things, but certainly you won't have to start /everything/ over? I can ask around to see if stuff can be transferred, what online classes there are, etc. though.

    Haha, I don't think that's worth moving to Toronto for. :P ... but you get to see Langlang, maybe! Is that worth it?
    ... D: Is there much you can do? Except hope for the best?

    (augh I am horrible at this I don't know why you ask me for comfort I can't comfort people ;~; )
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