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    I feel stupid talking to animals, so I like to make music for my birds instead. But whenever I try to play the keyboard Langlang gnaws at the spaces between my fingers and it tickles, and she's scared of my violin, so I just sing to her.
    ... Er, well, that's a possibility. I snatched it off of Negrek's IP address, though, which ignoring proxies is hopefully accurate. Do you know that you actually have Negrek?

    Iiinteresting. I'll keep that in mind, and try to reach either your or res' level of stalking by some obligatory date.

    bulbasaur can you teach me how to be a stalker? I don't even knooow Negrek's name ;~; I do know negs university, some vague idea of what they're studying, and some vague idea of negs name, but I don't know anything concrete except the university. (Kind of afraid to ask if you know things about me; do you stalk everyone like this?)
    If you say so...! *braces self*

    On a completely unrelated note I just sang Langlang the trololo song and she started chirping like crazy.
    Feh, why does it have to be a region existing on Earth anyway? It's the Pokemon world! We can make things up!

    I don't know why you did not know this earlier! But I have bunches of people on my list that are @gmail or @yahoo, so.
    ... maybe? idk if I've been there, haha.

    And you'd be wrong! It doesn't end in either of those.
    ... you are such a stalker. I thought you meant like just her name, or something, which we both already know.
    I wasn't thinking totally eroded... Still some nice hills, but not full-blown mountains.
    Uh, sure, if you really want to 8D;

    I've moved onto using Pokemon Online, you don't know ABCD's email address past the @, and how did you conclude Negrek's identity? :P
    Sneak off to wherever he wanted to explore, probably the mountainous areas. I imagined that he slept fairly close to his parents but not so close that they'd wake up if he stirred, so he'd just tiptoe away quietly and break out in a gleeful run as soon as he was safe. I just see him... exploring for the sake of exploring. Kind of like in PMD when you go into a dungeon without any missions.

    What, is it still alive? I lost the link ages ago. :P Basically this ASB that MF started up. Only Fakemon were allowed. I remember Karkat and I were a part of it... but it died pretty quickly because we had no refs and very few Pokemon. I don't think a single round was ever reffed.
    How? ... I just imagined that he'd get up early, before his parents, and sneak off.

    What, do you really like his backstory that much? xD; I don't think it's really exciting or dramatic enough to warrant an entire fic, really...
    Probably eroded mountains.

    I should! Although I should also probably think of signature stuff for my other Pokemon.
    Hee. :D

    Hmm. Well my headcanon about him is... pretty much limited to what's described in his signature move and attribute. I imagine him living in a field bordering rocky terrain - perhaps mountains - and he liked to explore the rockier terrains. He'd often spend the day exploring and come back to find his parents worried sick, to which he'd respond with a sheepish "oops". Once when he went exploring, he found his Magmarizer just lying on the floor, probably abandoned by some trainer, I dunno, and brought it home. Eventually he grew old enough to survive on his own and took his only prized possession, his Magmarizer, with him, and continued exploring like he loved to do until he got caught by the ASB League. Then I bought him and yeah.
    Nope, but it can't be long now!

    Haha, that probably would've helped a bit. Alternatively, I'd become hyper and scare you even more. Remember when I drew eyes staring at you on that piece of paper and giggled madly? That's tame.

    (do you mean how I created the character Khao, or just make up a story about Khao's childhood on the spot? :P)
    Candy is not /trivial/. |< I demand you take that statement back at once. Candy is a marvelous thing that I could not survive the school day without.

    (seriously, I keep a bag of candy in my locker and rely on sugar rushes to keep me going through the day. So, when do you think I'll get diabetes?)
    Nope. Combos are pretty subjective and vary greatly from ref to ref. Negrek did answer with her version of combos before, though.
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