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  • Ahaha. Man, that art is so old. I was proud of it once! Now I cringe when I see it.

    That's the character Khao was named after, yes. But the similarities end there.
    waitwaitwait before I tell you how I say it is there actually a correct way to say it or was that phrase just random broken math
    I think I'm able to say it out loud! Definitely not simplify it, but hopefully maybe I understand?

    Right! bulbasaur make sure to win or lose quickly.
    Oh, that'll be an easy conversion. We just divide by zero. ((Incidentally, I think I managed to piece together your usertitle in that other place! :D I feel so smart.))

    ((well particularly it's tournament reffing and I've realized/convinced myself that I'm dragging on the tournament by doing waiting and if I ref faster I can see the next round faster. But.))
    ((Um bulbasaur is reffing or judging more important because I have both to do in large quantities and yeah))
    Do it...

    And do it right. I am Big Brother! And I say that is a power series!

    ((Hm. Well, while we're on the topic, how's the Math Contest going along? I... am not sure if it is safe to speak about contests considering the Metronome one.))
    That is crimethink.

    That is irrelevant. What we are discussing is the power series 2 + 2 = 5.

    ((I have a weird urge to force that into my brain and my next appeal in the Math Contest, if I make it to the next round. What's up with that, anyway?))

    We believe you're mistaken, bulbasaur. Do we need to correct you about that?
    Why don't you offer your own philosophical opinion, then?

    If you have a referee scale, which you do, you need to have a cleverness scale. I can solve my need of another sigquote with math.
    Was I supposed to follow some other line of thought?

    Wit is subjective, you know. I am the most brilliant person in the world, and not even cripplingly low self-esteem can change that. Obviously.
    Right, then. Philosophical. Onionception. I'm digging into the center of the Earth, which is also a metaphor for some food that has layers.
    Oh, so then I post in every topic you view so that you have to quote me.
    Because I forgot to mention it earlier, I finished 1984!
    And just how witty do I have to be to deserve another sigquote? Could you have res write out some complicated equation for it that I don't understand, but you two do, being math-people?
    How they thought they were golden when they stayed in a playoff spot for a while, and just lost it.
    In an Asian's eyes, yes. :P

    Oh, did it? ... what if you ran out of PP for Struggle?
    I asked for Struggle's base cost before, and Negrek said 2%, but I just didn't add any modifiers since it seemed like... well, a crap move already, so. But that was a while ago.
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