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  • Terrible, terrible!

    ... well, we passed through it, at the very least, of course!

    Good question. I'd have it Struggle, but after my tourney battle with Mendatt, I'm not 100% sure with how Taunt and sleep work together.

    Yes, Canada is an extension of BC. We know.
    I have no idea. 8D; I thought you were pointing at New Westminster.
    I know right, it's such a foreign term. @_@

    I have no idea how to read that table well, but there are a bajillion more places in Ontario than BC on the first page so~
    Yup, I did. Well, more like 8-10 hours, but I'd prefer the minimum so I have more time to get stuff done (haha, what a joke).

    8 is enough for me, and that's how much I end up sleeping during breaks when my sleep schedule becomes... somewhat normal.

    Hee. :D Or maybe you could move to Toronto.
    I'll try not to! D:

    Oh no, a normal grade 11 gets more sleep than that! Actually, today my friend was complaining about how he only got 8 hours of sleep last night and was yawning a lot. ): I wanted to hit him.
    Uh, the one we measured was about 14 feet in diameter. The tallest ones are about 300 feet tall.

    What jugs of water?
    Gigantic trees that are famous for being, well, gigantic. Most of them are a few thousand years old, and there are many forests of them in Northern California.

    We did, even though we debated it, as winds were high that day. If ferries were cancelled, we would've wanted to be in Vancouver where there would be lots of places for us to stay without having to pay for another motel.
    I am fleeing there okay dad D<

    Well yes, I generally only get 5 hours of sleep, but I've been better lately. Then again, I'm hardly the model for a normal grade 11.
    No I /don't/ like interpretations because they take time to interpret! D: You heard wrong.

    ... haha, probably me.
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