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  • Khao got KO'd (haha) due to recoil from Flare Blitz. Maybe from some of Volatile Spirit and cold damage, too, didn't calculate.
    Haha, thanks. The double KO was... unintentional though, whoops.

    Nope, if say Darkrai uses Rest, it doesn't get damaged.
    Yup. If I sleep too much then I'm sleepy for the rest of the day.

    Okay, but you still missed the part about the Pokemon with Bad Dreams not getting damage by it.
    Aw, darn it. ):

    Hm, that wouldn't be a bad idea, actually. I might do that. Thanks~

    Okay maybe I'm still a bit spacey from sleeping too much or my reading comprehension just sucks, but I couldn't understand that last bit. 8D;
    Then I am a douchebag. :D

    Eh, not sure if feeling detached from it is a good thing when I'm testifying, hurr. Even though the defense was pretty nice, the more questions she asked, the more confused I felt, and I'm still doubting some details that I was fairly sure of before. :U

    Clearly you do not know me IRL well enough! Nightmare is accurate, but for Bad Dreams I'd say "When this Pokemon is on the field, other sleeping Pokemon lose an eighth of their health at the end of each turn." Because other Pokemon can obtain the ability, and the Pokemon with Bad Dreams doesn't get damaged.
    Oh pff. :P What, are you automatically a douchebag if you correct someone?

    Yeah, that's been pretty much drilled into my head, haha. "You are only here to tell the truth. What happens next is not up to you." I've heard it so many times. I just feel like I didn't do a good job of telling the truth, because my memories were so muddled... Honestly, what happened feels like a bad dream now. Maybe because I've had nightmares about the same thing and I often have trouble distinguishing dreams from reality, but. Still.
    ... no, not quite, actually. 8D;

    Hmm, nervous isn't quite the right word... Perhaps anxious? That I didn't do a good job at testifying. Because of reasons I said before. :U
    Oh. Well, you don't have to be a res to feel the urge to correct people. :P

    I was supposed to be, but the video and audio kept crapping out on us (resulting in yet /more/ delay) so in the end I had to testify in the courtroom with a screen.
    Hee. :D It's nice, actually.

    ... wait, you weren't? o.o

    That was just the preliminary trial, so the judge can decide if there's enough evidence to go for the actual thing, and there almost certainly will be, so... yeah. I guess I am. Probably not too too soon though.
    Nope. My mom trusts me to do my work! Haha, what a joke.

    ... that's odd. Neither my browser's nor Word's spell check says "interpretor" is wrong, herp.
    I spoke in English, and the interpreter translated it to Cantonese. Which is pretty much bull because the guy knew English -_- Maybe he's not fluent enough to get some of the finer terms, but I heard them translating my every word. Apparently some people think that if they don't know English then the judge will be easier on them, but. Ugh. Part of the reason we got held up for so long is because the first interpreter didn't show up so they had to find another...
    Feh, I'm rambling.
    She doesn't always hover over my shoulder, you know!

    Ugh. I got there at 8:30, expecting to be done by lunch, and got out at 4:30. Didn't know stuff got held up that much, and apparently it's normal. :x
    Anyway, the defense lawyer was nicer than I was expecting, the judge was very nice, but I felt very flustered because I couldn't remember that much and I kept mumbling and the interpretor couldn't hear what I said so I had to repeat and blah blah blah. They said I did fine but I don't feel like I did.
    Hey bulbasaur, so today we got our art marks back and I was one of two people who got straight 100s. I rush to tell my mom and she says, "Only 100?"
    Right to left, going: "Not quite e to the power of negative x minus µ to the second power divided by two times sigma to the second power divided by sigma times the square root of 2 times pi." However you do the sigma thing, I don't really know.

    I have a strange dread about posting this. I should probably re-analyze the problem later.
    All the threads you've viewed in the past few days were viewed from your current IP (turns out the thing that stores thread views also stores IPs), so if somebody accessed your account, it was through your computer. Maybe a family member, roommate or something?
    There is a table storing what threads your account has viewed and when you viewed them last, but I can't quite see how that would help. If you've got sensitive information in your user CP or something, there are no logs of user CP views.
    I don't recall noticing anything about the taste of bottled water in China. I didn't have all that much, actually; I bought a few bottles, then refilled them with boiled tap water. Naturally I refilled the six or so I'd accumulated in the first week in preparation for our trip to Shanghai, only to find out that Chinese flight restrictions are as stupid as the ones in the US and end up dumping them all at security. So ticked.

    Though of course I don't know what tap water tastes like "here" since, given that it's highly variable across the US, I doubt what I drink is much like what you have in Canada.
    Not really; we don't keep logs of when any particular IP has accessed the forums as a user, just what IPs they've made posts from. If you think somebody may have gotten into your account, you're best off just changing your password and remembering to log out if you access the forums from a public computer.
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