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  • Yeah, I do like Walt's resolution. Him dying is pretty much the only way the series could have achieved any closure. I feel like the year he spent in New Hampshire must have really given him the time to reflect on how shitty a person he had been. There's still a few characters who didn't really get the best resolution... most notably Jesse. I also don't like that we don't find out what happened to Brock after Todd shot Andrea. I can't imagine Jesse having much of a bright future after everything that's happened to him. Most likely he goes back to using drugs. I would also have liked to see a bit more resolution with Skyler, Marie, and Walter Jr.
    lol my favorites are almost always influenced by sprites in some manner or another (with the exceptions of zigzagoon, pikachu, flareon, and vivillon, which are mainstays) - probably the only reason arcanine ended up so high on my list was its x/y sprite being really damn awesome. gotta love the psychology behind this kind of thing
    it's always funny how going through a fave pokémon picker can tell you things you didn't know about your favorites. like i know my favorite oscillates between flareon and vivillon but i really didn't think pikachu would end up being third or that zigzagoon's fallen low enough that arcanine, absol and aurorus (i'm sensing a theme here??) all surpass it. what favorites do you get via the picker?
    after i sent this vm i remembered having discussed some of the Wild Guesses that Turned Out to be Correct regarding the last case in the AA fanclub thread lol

    but i'm replaying and I was Confused by a thing. so case 4 has Calisto hiring Mack Rell to kill Deid Mann as Mann was set to testify about the smuggling ring's relation to the Cohdopian embassy. on the same night, the Yatagarasu - more specifically Byrne Faraday - infiltrates the embassy, steals the Yatagasaru's Key (which is in fact Manny Coachen's key to his safe, although Byrne is not aware of how the key must be dually used in order to unlock every secret of the safe), gives it to Calisto, who in turn sends it to the police (perhaps knowing it would end up in Byrne's possession again, and knowing he'd use it to prove that Rell was not the Yatagarasu, as Rell was claiming to be the Yatagarasu when he was arrested). Calisto obviously wasn't planning to kill Byrne with the knife element since that was a snap decision based on the fact that Byrne was heavily interrogating Rell after his claim that Byrne was the Yatagarasu.

    two questions then:
    1) is it ever stated why Byrne stole the key? Manny kept proofs of the smuggling ring and his involvement with it in the back compartment of the safe, which Byrne had no way of accessing since he wasn't aware of the key's dual nature. and i doubt Manny would have kept any smuggling stuff in the front compartment of the safe. was Byrne just kinda looking for anything that might help prove or disprove the smuggling ring's relation to Manny?
    2) early in the case, von Karma states that the Yatagarasu's sending the key to the police somehow functions as proof positive that the Yatagarasu was at the embassy the same night as Deid Mann's murder. how???
    I did see that, but I do also remember reading the first chapter and I could have sworn it was at TCoD somewhere aaaaaa what
    I joined TCoD in 2005. I can't remember how long I knew of the site before that, though. But thinking back I discovered it after joining TR'sRockin!, which was also in 2005, so I guess it was just the first chapter of the rewrite. I just don't remember seeing any updates made to it on the main site? But it's been nearly ten years, my memory is foggy as shit, so it's likely I'm just drastically misremembering things.
    re: your recent tumblr posts (why yes i am creepy): i remember the type chart lol. i read like the first chapter once and was confused as shit because i hadn't (and still haven't) seen the matrix but i do remember its existence yes
    So you know what? I had mistakenly thought Mike Ehrmantraut was James Edward Kilkelly, and somehow Saul Goodman had got him off the hook :P I'm in the middle of season three, but that mistake made me pretty confused. Oh... and the show's great, of course!
    Hi! Uh, if anyone's said anything about this I couldn't find it, but the forum didn't seem to like me joining and leaving the trainer class mafia game.
    It works! Thank you so much!

    And I'm sorry for plagiarising that poem. I know that was a really bad thing to do and I promise never to do it again.
    Do you know why I can't post in the Mafia section? Is it related to my infraction? The Mafia section isn't mentioned in the Rules thread so I'm not sure what's going on.
    I asked on the Glitchlocke topic on the Nuzlocke Forums why, after catching 'M, the game stays in a Ditto battle, and Zowayix had this to say:

    "I have never found an explanation anywhere involving the transition to the Ditto battle, although someone with decent enough assembly-fu and more patience than me would probably be able to find out without too much hassle."

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