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  • "I've never actually directed a musical before"
    Butterfree I swear to Arceus if you or someone write me some musical-esque lyrics about TQftL I will set them to music and record myself playing piano arrangements
    That's the reason I stay away from larger Pokemon communities, smaller ones are usually more orderly and everyone knows eachother.
    goodness i remember when you were talking in-depth about that. I'm going to assume it's still there?
    one of serebii's oras pages is called "Omega Ryby & Alpha Sapphire" and the page text says "[...] Omega & Alpha Sapphire" god I love(hate) serebii
    Pokemon X and Y have sold 12 million copies last time I've checked.
    Pokemon Red and Blue sold 9 million copies.


    I-Is this really happening? D-Does this mean...

    Seriously though, I'm surprised it's sold better than the originals, and considering the sudden interest people are putting back into the franchise I'd say "Pokemania 2: Revenge of the Sequel" isn't far behind.
    If I ever vacation or move to Iceland, would you mind me wanting to meet you and your husband? We both share a lot of interests, so I have no doubt we might be friends.

    I hope you don't mind, I'm just really anxious about meeting people.
    You know, my mom really loves Breaking Bad and Weird Al too. You two would probably become friends if you got the chance to meet in person, considering you share quite a lot in common.
    Oh, Shadey has Steam? Cool, can you ask him if it'll be okay if I can add him once I get a new computer? It'll be nice to have a new HL2 Co-Op partner if that's okay with him.
    Do you have a Steam account? I'd like to add you if possible, maybe once I get a new computer we can play co-op or something. :P (It'll be very soon, like in the next month or so.)
    Thought you'd find this mildly interesting. A thing I saw on imgur about Icelandic and other Nordic languages.
    I don't know if your administrative status lets you see deleted threads but Phantom was the only one he engaged in a "flame war" with and can give you the run down on the now-deleted topic.
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