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  • Little thing you might find interesting:

    My parents and I just watched a Hitchcock movie, The Lady Vanishes, from 1938. The plot features a young girl, Iris, who is due to return home to be married, boarding a train with an old lady after said old lady helps her recover from a mild head injury. After falling asleep on the train, iris wakes up to find that the lady is gone and no person on the train has seen her. She proceeds to investigate the train thoroughly, protesting that no, she definitely saw the lady (Ms. Froy), and she doesn't think it's an injury-induced hallucination because she met Ms. Froy the previous night at a hotel, even though all exterior evidence points to "Ms. Froy was a figment of her imagination". I won't spoil any further than that, though.

    The reason I'm mentioning it is because, after the movie had ended and my parents and I were discussing our thoughts about the movie, I pointed out something that I've noticed about many movies from that era: strong, independent female leads. Iris finds out what happened with the help of the male lead, and she ends up getting together with said lead, but there are no romantic overtones until the last couple minutes, and Iris does not need to rely on him for anything: she helps him knock a man unconscious and trap him, and in an excellent display of strength, when another man is holding her and several other passengers hostage so that they can't fix the present problem, she stands up and points out that the gun he has picked up only has one bullet, and that if he shoots her, then the other passengers will be free to do as they wish to him since he won't have a weapon.

    Ms. Froy is also not who she appears to be, and is in fact a very powerful and influential woman despite her age and frail appearance. She is not sexualized and does not need to commit any acts of badassery to prove this - the fact that the plot revolves around her disappearance is enough! A female character on the side of the antagonists is actually not in favor of the antagonists' plans and helps Iris and the male lead to achieve their goals. The movie definitely passes the Beschdel test, too.

    And it has four out of five stars.

    My parents, interestingly, totally agreed with my analysis of it, and other period movies, as depicting strong, independent female characters that are basically the complete opposite of what modern anti-feminists may think when they think of women in the 30s and 40s - meanwhile, in many ways, modern female protagonists are those stereotypes. I always go into movies from that era with a slight side-eye, but I really shouldn't considering the few I have seen seem to be more progressive in the way of feminism (though of course not race relations or LGBT issues, at least for American movies) than even modern movies.
    I know this is in violation of our "no contact" treaty but I just want to clear things up, I made the thread on EDF. I was trying to get someone to expand the TCoD article considering it was supposedly a community project from what I've heard.

    You can see my trying to use their stupid sounding lingo and failing at it, I wasn't trying to get them to raid you (I'm not that stupid) or anything. Just trying to put some info out there to hopefully get us mentioned on there.

    If it means anything to you at this point, I'm going to be making an ED page about myself and my various moronic acts on this forum after removing the thread... and no, I'm not one of those edgy MRA's.

    Please don't ban/block me, I just wanted to clear that up.
    I just find the whole thing hilarious. They don't know him and they're 100% correct about his motives.
    God I need to shut up about him @_@ i wont mention him again
    holy shit I just noticed the ED thread contains the description of Shadey as a "beta male"
    he's a men's rights activist
    I did a quick google search for your tumblr URL and didn't find anything that wasn't your blog, you referencing your blog, or someone else reblogging one of your posts. :/
    Yeah, there weren't many people who responded noticeably when I first said that I wrote Warriors fanfiction. (Contrast with the amazing response when my friend Zoe revealed she had written a legitimate, 300-page Sonic the Hedgehog fanfic in middle school.) So the announcement didn't do much, at least until Madison and I pointed out it was one of the bigger fanfictions out there.
    (Madison's boyfriend actually recorded the whole panel and put it on Youtube if you're interested lmao)
    So my friends and I ran a panel at a local anime convention discussing the creation and analysis of troll fanfiction (including me outing myself as one-half the writing team behind StarKit's Prophcy). It went well! The thing was packed and somehow nobody had read StarKit's Prophcy even though almost all of them had read My Immortal haha
    Not sure whether or not you actually care about Batman, but I thought you might find this interesting.
    We need a "Shit people say about [fanfic]" section of your tumblr, where you read people's comments about your fanfiction and state your opinion on them.
    Happy New Year! I hope 2015 is going to be a great year. :D

    Oh, and what's your Skype name? I want to add you so we can talk once I figure out how to use it. :P
    re: twitter: "she became a single-celled organism?" no ok but have you ever seen the super mario brothers movie there's a part where Bowser (who's a regular human except in an alternate universe where people evolved from lizards) tells Mario and Luigi that all beings evolved from single-celled organisms and Mario asks and I quote: "What single-celled organism did you evolve from?" and Bowser answers and I quote: "Tyrannosaurus rex, the lizard king."
    So what does happen to the morphs, what do they end up doing with their lives? Or is that stuff to be addressed in the potential sequel?
    I really should have ordered one of those lackadaisy sketches. Zib is my favorite character ugh so jealous

    (also my avatar is totally 120x120 wtf)
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