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  • So hey I started writing a Pokémon fic if you're interested in reading it. It's basically a novelization of the Mystery Dungeon games except the way I want it so there's a lot of attempts to change motivations and add scenes (and in general expand the world) and justify the game mechanics and stuff like that. There's only a few chapters so far but it's here.
    Wait... YOU wrote chains, curse, and morphic? Heh, I remember reading those like a year before I came here. I have to congratulate you, you're a talented writer, it's rare that I've stumbled upon fanfiction that have made me get tears in my eyes and actually feel for the characters.

    I know this probably doesn't mean much coming from some random guy, but you and Negrek are both pretty awesome.
    unf chibi pika's art. i'm considering buying a commission now but of what, of whaaaat

    ... A PIKACHU PLAYING A TRUMPET yes that is something I wouldn't mind framing and hanging in places
    I'm not exactly sure where to post this but considering you're the owner of this place I think I should ask you. How exactly do I sign up for Mafia? It sounds fun.
    Hi Butterfree! Is there some reason why the XY sprite BBCodes for Mew up to Feraligatr just... aren't there?
    If nothing else, it'll technically become possible to write something titled "Dave and Mia Discuss The Thing" that isn't actually centered on self-referential humour.
    So, I blew an entire dusk on Morphic recently. And the result is that, while I won't have the time to do this anytime soon, Morphic MFia is now a thing that's swimming in my head.
    So I was going to hatch something in my oooold Platinum file and I pulled out a Slugma with Magma Armor and noticed I'd named it "Gabrielle" (since it was a female, duh)... which is the same name I gave to my female Slugma in Omega Ruby. Except that the Platinum Gabrielle was hatched in summer 2011.
    I guess some of my nicknames never change.
    Found this short one-shot which totally reminded me of both part of the last chapter of Morphic and some of the evolution-related one-shots you've linked to.
    Your IP ban didn't do shit. Instead of running away from and ignoring your problems why not face them. If you have any shred of dignity left in you then you'll own up to what you did and accept that I'm not going to be bullied by you anymore. It's sad that it had to end like this... but you deserve everything. You're the real monster here, not me. It's time you wake up to the real world... I can only be nice for so long. My only regret was meeting you and joining this shithole to begin with.

    Goodbye Butterfree, I hope you're happy.
    Hey, could you add an "ASB Meta" subforum when you've got a moment? Between "Contests and Tournaments" and "ASB Archive", if that's something vB lets you control.
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