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  • So it's been nagging at me, was Dave abusive ever? It's not really implied anywhere in the story but he's clearly not exactly a good parent and especially given his reaction to Jean's crying after Jane leaves and his rampant alcoholism, especially when Jean was young was he ever any worse to her?
    Unrelated: Did you have a chance to check out the Mystery Dungeon fic I linked some time ago or are you not interested?

    (ALso why isn't my avatar showing up anywhere except on posts)
    there could be an AU where some random dude from an alternate universe blows up the church of holy truth before any of this has the chance to go anywhere!!!!!
    So after like, a solid several months of not touching it, I finally decided to finish and clean up the HM data document we discussed a while back. Should I email it to you?
    I thought of this story because I was following your Twitter and realized you beat OR before me even though I got it a week earlier and it reminded me of the T&T thing. But then again I did take a break to go on a catching spree in X... and finals are coming up
    i would like to tell u a story
    in the 2008 I got Phoenix Wright in March and promptly was addicted to the series. I don't remember when I got JFA and T&T but it probs wasn't too long after. Anyway so I was playing T&T and I was on case 3 - the Mask*DeMasque one - and I accidentally saved at a point where I had no choice but to take a penalty - which was my last penalty, thus necessitating me starting over, which I really didn't feel like doing. So I just didn't play T&T for a while.

    Then in like September or something you talked about getting Ace Attorney in the then-active AA Fanclub thread and at some point you were playing either the end of JFA or the beginning of T&T and I was like "BUTTERFREE GOT THE GAMES MONTHS AFTER ME, I CANNOT LET HER BEAT ME TO THE END OF THE GAME" and that is what spurred me to finish T&T
    true story
    Have you ever considered cosplaying as one of your characters? It would be so hilarious to see you and possibly Shadey dress as May and Mark or Dave and Mia... two "couples" that I find really funny.
    "Once a day, you can speak to the Berry Master's wife and she asks for a special saying. Based on what you respond with, she will give you a berry such as the Cheri Berry, Chesto Berry, Pecha Berry, Rawst Berry, Aspear Berry, Leppa Berry, Oran Berry, Persim Berry, Lum Berry or Sitrus Berry. If you give her special statements, then she will give you rarer berries

    GREAT BATTLE: Spelon Berry
    COOL LATIOS: Durin Berry
    SUPER HUSTLE: Belue Berry"

    unless I fucked up this doesn't actually work. thanks serebii
    I might be able to send you some pictures of me and my cats, or we can just Skype if that's your thing. Believe me, you'll love my cats.
    You look completely different in that picture of you than what your "about me" page says you look like. Don't take this as an insult, I'm just saying.
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