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  • I'm a cat person too, I have several cats that I've rescued off the streets. I love helping animals, I can send you pictures of mine if you want.
    Ran across this on the TVTropes Mystery Dungeon fanfic recs. Contains an emotionally tortured Scyther as a protagonist. (At least as far as where I am at chapter 39.) Also intense amounts of worldbuilding.
    your weird al random signature generated Hardware Store and it reminded me that the LPer who sang Trapped in the Drive-Thru I mentioned earlier, while that video got taken down, the following segment of the LP has him singing (some of) Hardware Store. It's pretty great.
    Hey, I've got a technical question to ask you. I'm trying to post to a Mafia thread to sign up, but it won't let me. It says I don't have permission or something. Is there some special rule I don't know about? Thank you so much in advance!
    (I'm not sure you're the perfect person to ask but I'm new here. [Also if you're wondering I have made posts before on different sections.])
    Hey, do you know Hugleikur Dagsson? I was wondering 'cause, y'know, you're in Iceland and he's in Iceland and, like, everyone in Iceland knows each other, probably :P
    Oh god I remember eating Pokemon pasta back when I was 3 or 4, I saw a YouTube video of an MSNBC News Report on the original movie and the whole craze in general.

    I sometimes look back on those days and wonder if Pokemon will ever become popular again? GameFreak would have to do something huge to get that to happen, however.
    mega butterfree would be the best thing that has ever happened
    i'm more of a vivillon fan but mega butterfly/moth pokémon in general!!! (so long as it's not beautifly.)
    I sometimes wonder what Pokemon was like back in it's golden age, and if we'll ever be able to see a moment like that again.

    ...I was born too late. :(
    are you ever going to make more styles for the forums lol
    i know there's not much point but i'm one of those people who has to have the forums and the site's styles match and waaah i want some more colors than green/black/blue/white
    Sure, I'll take the refs if you're still working on them. :P

    I'm just busy with personal life, and I'm still thinking up ideas for the fic which is why I'm not updating much.
    Just a little clarifacation, The fanfic is still being worked on but it's currently getting revamped seeing as I found the initial buildup and execution rather lacking. I've created a very early rendition of what I imagine Dave looking like... but I'm having some trouble translating that into a R/B/G/Y styled sprite.

    So yes, The project is still alive... It's just being reworked.
    BikdipOnABus (LPer) during one of his earliest LPs (Super Mario 64), unfortunately he had to replace the video due to them bugging him about copyright infringement but when it was still up the entire 10-minute video was nothing but him singing Trapped in the Drive Thru whilst playing the game.
    trapped in the drive through is dabes. my favorite youtuber once sang the whole thing in one of his videos and it was kind of the best thing ever
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