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  • I used Scyther Slash when I first joined TCoD. Needless to say, I now prefer Roar of Time.
    But.... you didn't see the point either? :P

    I've seen sweeper Eevee before, but... not hacked ones. That's sad. Unless you're having a hack battle with your friends, anyway.

    Haha, I just love people like that who you just can't get through to. /sarcasm
    Yeah, I don't visit either place either. I honestly don't get the point of the safari zone... Anyway, I wouldn't mind if he came back as long as he played by the rules.

    Oh, you pretty much mean people who hack a Wondertomb and then beat you with it thinking they'r hot shit, right?
    I just have to remember to actually DQ him tomorrow though, and then you're home free. :P

    Oh, after the things you described, I think it's safe to say it will be difficult for me to actually like him. I haven't so much as seen him around though, so I guess I should be glad for that...

    YouTube... rivals?
    Yeah... Grass Knot = one dead Groudon. D:

    I'm sorry about that. The DQ warning should have been yesterday, because the reffing itself was posted on the 5th and so yesterday, the 12th, should have been the right time for it, but I had only checked my last post which was a reply to you, which was the 6th. >.<

    Honestly, I don't plan to get involved unless he becomes a nuisance to me. I didn't come back to start making enemies. D:
    Funny thing is, a defensive Groudon doesn't sound like a bad idea at first just by looking at one. They're bloody huge, you'd think they'd be able to take constant hits. Oh well. At least it's different. :P I might go for a special attacking one if I ever get bored enough to do that.

    Well, we'll see. :P I'll go post his warning after this.

    Ah. I hope those rules against that were made before he'd done that. xD But yeah, that's pretty sad. He still hangs around too?
    I'm not complaining here, but I wish I could do something else well, you know? I'm not very comfortable heading into a career that's basically an extreme popularity contest where if you lose, you starve. :v I could do without the thrill.

    tbh I feel pretty awkward about being an elite referee, since that technically puts me at the same level as the ASB gods like Kratos and Negrek and Kusari, which feels... strange, kind of, if you get my drift.
    Actually, I'd probably put Turbo and Joseph in the "gtfo" class. :P

    I have... never actually competitive-battled on a DS or PBR. OTL I've only done so on Shoddy battle. My record isn't that good, but my team's decent enough, I guess.

    Noted~ I'll give you a prod once I think I'm ready - which will probably be far, far in the future. OTL

    Octillery. :D It's probably my favourite non-legendary water Pokemon in Johto, if not in all generations. It's a great mixed sweeper if you want it to be, but I usually stick to the special side.

    Wow, really? I guess we're all messed up in some way, huh? xD How do you get up in the morning? I'd be a zombie if I didn't get at least 7 hours of sleep each night.
    I will make it work! (Why yes, hopeless determination has been my downfall countless times, why do you ask?)

    Oh. I forgot about that rule. Doesn't make much sense to me, honestly, but I suppose I should be grateful for it. Anyway, I'll issue the DQ warning sometime tomorrow (or, well... today, as it's 3 am now), and if he doesn't miraculously show up for the next day, well, you're free. xD

    Yeah, Turbo I'm not surprised. You'll have to fill me in on this Joseph person, though. I'm completely clueless. Who is he and what's his crime? Are all three of those usernames him?
    True, but if your team needs something to beat Heracross with, Scyther's good for the job. :P *will defend his beliefs to the point of idiocy* *is so totally not stubborn*

    If I'm not mistaken, the prizes are halved. I'm not sure if you still get the exp or not though, since... well, you didn't have more than a couple rounds.

    Yeah, I noticed that back a while ago before I vanished. There was a select few who were either liked by everyone, or hated by everyone. It seems to have mellowed out greatly since then, for which I am grateful for. xD Still, I don't expect to ever be popular.

    That's really good to know. xD
    Nice :DDDD Gotta go. Sleep. Eat. Watch porn. Go to school. You know? The usual :DDDDD
    Almost been caught. I've talked about "strange sites" and "what the hell is that?" kind of things but not yet :DDDD

    The secret is use proxies. It's genius :DDDDDD And have eyes on the back of your head. That always helps too :DD
    Nice... Yeah. I've had that conversation many times. I failed to find the GOLDEN HENTAI D: BUT I FOUND SOME NICE PORNO :DDDD
    Good day to you, too, stalker! :D *shakes hand*

    Bah, I have no idea how these classes work. I'm practically non-existant in areas other than ASB. Funny, because when I signed up I was interested mostly in the arts section, and I don't spend too much time there.

    You're a competitive battler too? :0 We should swap FCs once I get off my lazy butt and actually find out what mine is. And once I EV some more Pokemon. At the moment all I have is an EV'd Octillery.
    Same here, basically. My parents are always "Go to sleep D:<" at 10, but I always manage to stall until 12. Never feel sleepy until then.
    ... WHY YOU SLAP HIM? IM THE STUPID CHINESE PERSON :D But yeah hentai is fun. Yeah my parents don't either but I will help you find the GOLDEN HENTAI :DDDDD
    ...Excuse me for being a stalker, but do I really seem upper-class to you? :0 I'd probably consider myself middle-class, haha.

    But! I've seen you around and I suddenly realized I've never talked to you! So, how're you doing?
    I eat sushi and I'm still an idiot. Such a disgrace... Stupid Chinese person.

    I like that kind of stuff :D Be sure to give me some free membership ;)
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