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  • Oh. Whoops. xD I'll probably go check him out now, as it's 5 am and I haven't gone to bed yet and even though I'm tired, I'm restless and can't get to sleep...

    Actually, most Alakazam carry Shadow Ball as well, from what I've seen, which is neutral on Sableye. Also, my friend has Energy Ball on his, so even my main tank, Milotic, can't counter it well... Anyways, as far as sweeping goes, I love my Starmie. I'm quite fond of Infernape and Electivire also. As far as non-OUs go, there's my shiny Magneton and Pikachu who I adore, though they require a bit more luck/prediction.

    That's exactly what I mean. It's logical to assume that an earthquake (if it could even be used on the rim of the volcano) would knock the opposing pokemon off either the side and tumble down, or the other direction, into the volcano itself. But that goes against game mechanics so I'd hesitate to do that. Similar thing with Blastoise's battle now. MF's Mankey has has Toxic Spikes around it for most of the fight, and he's been knocked down a lot. One would assume he'd land on one eventually, and become poisoned. But that can't happen in the games, so I hesitate to do it for fear that MF will shout at me for that (even though he's technically winning right now, but still). Until I get a better reputation, at least, I think I'll stick to the basics unless I have good enough reason to do otherwise. Like in that same battle, with Bounce. I reffed it as a one-action move rather than two, since I'm pretty sure those type of moves can be used as one-turn attacks in ASB, as I've been criticized on the last forum when I didn't do it one-turn. xD As far as questioning Negrek, if I did that for every little thing, I'd probably be the slowest ref here cause then I'd be asking about everything.

    Anyway... yeah, I dunno. Other refs just somehow seem more into their battle than me, or something. I really don't know how to describe it. I just simply don't feel like my work compares to many others'. And it isn't like I'm just churning them out carelessly to make money, either. Though I do like the money part, I do still try to add interesting description and such. Funny thing is, I tried out for the advanced rank and I didn't fail for my description, Negrek approved of that, actually. But for some reason, I just don't feel like I'm up to everyone else's standards.
    I generally prefer only pokemon uploads, though. I don't usually watch anything else they upload. Minus some SSBB, which I also want.

    I rather like speedy sweepers too. Though, I hate fighting them. A lot of things I use aren't fast at all, like my Sableye, and fast things like Alakazam can one-shot it before I get to even throw one attack at it...

    Yeah... some of the deeper mechanics are just situations I don't know how to handle, because I've never experienced them before. I also notice how other battlers do little random things with their battles, such as a pokemon slipping on something and causing them to miss that action. I rather like that, since it adds a bit of unpredictability and reality to the fight, but I hesitate to do any of that. Mostly because I prefer to stick to the game mechanics, but also if I do try something like that, I'm rather paranoid that the trainer who's pokemon it happens to will call me biased or something, and I really don't want people to think that. As a result, I think my reffings are pretty accurate, but I feel they lack the... I dunno, the enthusiasm? as other referees' work. I dunno. /rant

    I know just about nothing about the different coding languages, either. I've always used the < > tags though, unless they don't work. Such as here; I assume TCoD uses BBC since the bold tags and such are in the [ ] tags, so I just use those here. It doesn't really make a difference to me, as long as I get the effect I wanted. xD
    No, I haven't. I'll have to go look him up.

    That's a good idea... and I do have a Snorlax to EV. I might just do that.

    I guess not. I still feel bad for agreeing to pick up his battle with him having certain expectations and then slacking a while, though. I at least want to get his taken care of before I start slacking a bit. Speaking of which, I can't get my two planned reffings done tonight since I have a predicament with the second one, so I have to wait for my answer. D:

    You and your tags. D: I didn't honestly know there was a difference. xD
    No, actually, I've never heard of them. My favorite is Overhazard. She's the reason I started using my Sableye. <3

    Yeah, I can think of a couple teams who could use it, but they're character-themed teams and I'd prefer not to have legendaries on those. I may just make a whole new team. I do have a good collection of EV'd pokemon who I trained just for the sake of having, that have to real team, so perhaps I could fit one together with those.

    Ow. T_T I know, I've been... well, slightly lazy, but that's not my only excuse. <Cue five-person accusation and confession mess that I have to clean up because my friends all hate each other for some unknown reason>
    I'll be honest, I haven't ever battled a Suicune before. Anything I go by usually is based off my Youtube subscriptions. xD But yeah, I haven't seen that on a Suicune before. I've seen it for other pokemon.

    Oh, thank you. xD You didn't have to restate it, I was just going to look through the older messages, but... okay. \o/ Now to find a team who needs a wall...

    I don't think so. :P It's been two days since I've done a reffing... I'm going to try to get two different battles done tonight to make up for that a bit. Maybe a third, if Blastoise and MF reply before I go for the night.
    Oh, I've seen a lot of pokemon with Sub/Leftovers strategies before, but Suicune was never one of them. Still an interesting idea, though.

    You're very welcome, an thanks for the Celebi. Now I have to go and find it's EV spread. xD I'd assumed you had given it your planned moveset already, but oh well. :P

    Yeah, I guess that was pretty fast... I had a lot of free time, though. I still do, though lately I've been having a lot of people talking to me at once, and it slows me down considerably. I'm the poorest multi-tasker on Earth.
    Yeah, but the ones I've seen are normally Rest/Calm Mind versions. Lum Berry's not a bad idea, but it could just toxic you again. D:

    Okay, I'm adding you and getting on in just a minute. :P

    I know, I I at least feel bad for Blastoise, who asked me to pick up his battle due to the speed I did Kam & Patar's, and now I'm starting to fall behind. :<
    Hm. I'm not too familiar with Suicune, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't learn anything that can harm Shedinja either. Again, barring Toxic, but most Suicune don't go that route.

    Alrighty, let me know if you got it to work. xD In the meantime... I'll probably be on and off, but I have two reffings that I've put off due to various distractions, and I'm sure my battle's participants are less than satisfied at my slacking. D:
    =O Your Magikarp is more godly than Arceus?

    BWAHEHEHEHEEE! I AM THE RAINBOW QUEEEN~!~! ;;Flies around rainbowtanstically;;
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