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  • Oh, that's okay then. Just remind me when you get back.

    Yeah, that was, as long as it gets a KO, I only need two battles to evolve it. :D

    Pikachu is epic. I wish I could have seen the guy's face who I beat using my Pikachu. His Swampert and something else went down before he focused both attacks on Pikachu. Sub was gone on the first one, and he didnt stand a chance on the second. :( But I won that cause of him. :D

    All three of those are pokemon I've neved ev'd. Actually, I've done Typhlosion, but that was a collaboration with a friend. We built three teams together, based of the weather moves, and then we each ev'd half of the team. Typhlosion was in there somewhere. But I didn't get to use it, I let him hold onto the teams since my Diamond is overflowing with pokemon already. Anyway, are they any good?

    I'll let you figure that out, haha. xD
    Okay, I got it now, but I dunno if you're still on and I'm gonna get to sleep cause it's after 1 am. He's Serious nature, so if that's okay, I'll send him over tomorrow, but if you'd prefer something else, that'll give me time to get it.

    Yeah, that would be nice, but with the soothe bell and Negrek going to be lowering it to four, I think that's acceptable enough. For me, anyway.

    I'm not sure where he ranks, but yes, Scyther's definitely on my list of favorites. Pikachu has always been my favorite, followed by Chikorita. Everything else changes order occasionally. Number 3 is currently Starmie.

    Yeah, it's possible. Last I heard, he keeps signing up with Digimon attack names. I know absolutely nothing of Digimon, so I can't really identify him that way, but usually it isn't hard just by looking at the posts. What I fail to understand is, why does he keep trying to come back, knowing he isn't liked or wanted?

    It doesn't have to be Butterfree, or even a mod. I'm sure plenty of people here could give you all the information you'll wish you never asked for. xD
    Alrighty. I'll try to get it over this weekend.

    Only two of the three are e-reffings, and out of those two, one is yours which probably won't go anywhere. xD But yeah, they're good for cash anyways.

    Ahh, okay... does that work for happiness, too? I wouldn't think so, but... I'd love to give Pichu and exp I can get for him. The happiness evolution collection that I have is really just coincidental. My current team is my in-game EV'd team with an extra scyther, and everything on my wish list is pretty much my team from the old forums with some members' approved fakes added.

    Turbo... he's an old troll. A bad one. The specifics I remember are vague, though I remember that he had a story going, and no matter how people tried to criticize and help improve it, he refused to take advice and had an attitude. You're better off asking some other older members if you're curious. In any case, he was immature and was banned. He tried coming back a few more times, but was banned every time. I honestly can't believe he's still trying to hang around here.
    Oh, I have plenty of special attackers. I just planned to use Celebi for one also. Modest Tyranitar is a good idea, though.

    Um... I could get both, if you'd like. I'd have to breed for either one anyways.

    Hm... alright. Yeah, I'm doing three right now, with yours. I think I'll make that my unofficial limit, otherwise I'm afraid I'll be taking on too much.

    I had like $160+ saved up. xD I bought a Sableye and two Scyther. One's going to be evolved, the other isn't.

    I totally forget what rare candy does here. I shall go look that up. Speaking of which, I didn't see anywhere that specifies what happens with EXP in a DQ's battle, so if it comes to that, I'll just ask an official.

    I had a Pichu, and apparently Feebas is considered to evolve by happiness.... and then I have a Zubat on my list of things to buy, which eventually evolves by happiness also. It's a little crazy getting all of them evolved, considering how long it usually takes for a single battle to finish. So yeah, I heard she was lowering it, I just hope it's soon. xD I wants my Pikachu. D:
    Yah... special attacker is what I had planned at first. I've used sub-seeding with my Tortera as well, so perhaps I'll find something else to do with Celebi.

    I don't have any EV'd Chikorita, not Trapinch, but I totally can breed one for you. Any specific nature or anything?

    Who is Dr Frank? Did they get a name change too? Cause that's another name I don't recall. Anyways. With the battle I picked up from you, I think that makes... three or four battles I'm doing right now. I probably shouldn't overdo it, but I'll keep this one in mind for when one of them is finished. And yes, I do see easy money. >D Just bought three new team members and updated my list of things I still need to buy. And all I put on it were things I had on the old forums, with a few recently approved additions. xD I still need to go and actually make up a full list.

    Yeah, I think so too... I know a pokemon gets some for just being send out, after all, which is why I feel the need to check. Also, I curse how much harder it is to evolve my Pichu now. Stupid happiness. I hope Negrek lowers that requirement soon.
    Hm... I think I could work with that. I'd have preferred a special attacker, actually, but I may just do a sub-seed strategy or something. Or, I dunno. I need to see what else it can learn. Er... anything specific you'd want for it? I'll go and EV something if I don't have it. As for the Jirachi... I'm not really sure what I could do with that, so I'll pass for now.

    Your Machamp would fall to my Sableye. <3 I swear, that little guy gets no credit, thanks to Spiritomb. He's been a great help to me, though.

    You know, I'm seriously considering just looking through the thread for all battles that need an e-ref and just clearing them out before I go taking more normal battles (too bad they aren't all neatly organized like the challenge board). Whee, free money! I should go spend some of it...

    By the way, you didn't mention that your battle was switch-style. :< Not that that's a huge deal, but I'm not sure how that works. As far as I remember, all battles were set-style on the old forums. Hm... I wonder we still get money/exp from a DQ. I'll have to go look that up. /random
    Hm... well, I've always wanted to try a Celebi... what nature/EVs does it have? And what's the Jirachi's nature, also?

    Machamp and his line are one of the few pokemon that I actually dislike. :< In one of my fics, I gave my main character's abusive father a Machamp who is going to be one of the story's main villains. xD

    You're welcome. :P Hey, I got $12 out of it, at the very least, so well... yey.
    Awe... well, boo, then. :( Oh well, I still give you credit for using an Aggron. :D I've always wanted a Mew/Celebi/Jirachi to ev, but I don't know any way to get them without an event. D: Oh, and Machamp, ewww...

    I guess it made sense. I'm not sure if I agree, but it made sense. xD

    Yah, that's what I was thinking. At least in a week you'll either have another battle active or ended so you can make a new one. :P
    I do hope you EV him with special attacks in mind, though. Cause that is really cool.

    The new Mike...? o.O Speed isn't always a good thing, though. If you mean Mike the Foxhog, his reffings are much more entertaining than mine.

    Oh yay, another E-reffing to pick up. :D I shall get on that right away.
    I generally prefer the better accuracy counterparts too, but Gyarados' special attack stat is pitiful, so I have to make some compromises. I commend you for using a special based Aggron. :D

    Yeah, but if the colors don't fit with the rest of the line... then again, there are some where the middle form is like, random, and the first and final are similar.

    Actually... No, I wouldn't know. Have people really been noticing my speed reffing? o.o Aside from Kam and Patar (who I've reffed a whole battle for already), Negrek (who does paychecks), Blastoise and yourself, no one's commented on it, at least, not to me. I didn't know it was causing such a buzz. o.o

    Ahh... I hate raisins. xD *noms on remaining grapes*
    Haha, wow. Yeah, it's not really meant for special attacking, but like I said, I like to do things different. I'd like to do a special attacking Gyarados too, in fact. No one will see my Thunders/Fire Blasts coming. xD

    Sounds good to me. I'll figure out all the alternate colors for it and let you know what they are when I can actually point them out on the sprite, and if you don't like the look then we'll work it out. :P

    You're taking this "beat Shadow in reffings" thing a little too far. xD

    Ew, raisins. D: You can have all those, I'll stick to the grapes.
    Yeah, that's true I guess. I'm not a fan of those really common overused things like Metagross though. And if I do use them, I (usually) try to do something different. Like, I do want a Metagross, but I'm going to make it a Special Sweeper or something rather than the common physical version.

    I had the shiny colors at one point, but I dunno what happened to that image. I could just redraw it from memory, and just let you recolor it if you hate it. I think it was mainly like a light blue color.

    That's fine, it probably wouldn't fit in with the line if the name was different halfway through. :P

    Yah, I expect it'll be given to you for the approval. I'm fine with buying one, have you seen my bank total? xD

    How 'bout some raisins with those grapes? >:D
    I dunno, I'm pretty sure it'll faint either way. xP I don't like using Explosion, though. I prefer to actually try to win without kamikaze techniques, thanks. xD

    Well, I've already sort of got a design and color scheme for him, but I give you permission to name it/make a moveset/whatever else. :P

    Considering you're the one doing all the work,and probably the one to get them all approved in the first place, I think you should take the free one. I'm not sure you can just pass the free one on to someone else anyway. Unless you accept it and then throw it at me via the Black Market or something. xD
    Awwww. But we will do. I vow it. Which means I'll probably go around and get other stuff before evolving my tiny red destroyer into a large blue destroyer =D
    Does that actually work? I thought pokemon who use explosion faint either way. Never tried it, though.

    Haha, I may do that, but then I'd have to first wait for it to be approved, and who knows how long that will take. But eh, then again, I might not bother creating the arena for a while anyway. :P

    Oh, yeah, I've played the Gamecube spinoffs also, but I wasn't counting those, I only meant out of the portable series's (cause honestly, I forgot about Gale of Darkness, etc. xD). I might actually use the gym arena from my story instead. The gym arena pretty much is an underwater field at the bottom of a cliff.
    Magikarp used SACRED FIRE! >D

    Yeah, I think so too. I'm inclined to try that, since that was it isn't limited to water types-only (and I get the advantage of having two users of electricity xD), but if not, I still have two water-types to use.

    I've honestly never played PMD, I just stick to the main series. So um... I wouldn't know about any of those areas. D: Besides, I'd prefer to create my own so I'm not limited by already-existing conditions.

    I don't expect the individual movesets to be much different, just with a few additions/minor changes as it evolves. I don't see why she's reject our collaboration, as long as only one of us gets it for free. :P
    So like... Magikarps that will be randomly using Splash, Tackle, and Flail? Or like... a sort of Metronome Arena where the attacks are random no matter what pokemon is used? Cause that would be sweet. xD

    It shouldn't be too complicated... my basic plan is a 2v2 (maybe 3v3, depending on my Magnemite) underwater battle with only pokemon who can breathe underwater can be used (hence the earlier Magnemite thing.... I dunno if it actually breathes, so I think it would be safe to submerge it). Maybe a slight boost to water-type moves, banned fire type moves. And the pokemon can swim around, they don't actually sit on the ground unless they have to, like Clamperl. Um... Not really sure if that's all or not, I'd have to like, draw the arena and make a list of all the points before I do it. But that's the general idea. I've wanted to do an underwater arena since the third movie came out. xD

    Yeah, if you're okay with that, I think we've planned out the moveset enough to suit all three of the family. Just don't forget that you have to also work out the TMs since there's also a limit to how many of those that can be given too. My only request is that one of them be Ice Beam, since a water-type without that seems so wrong. :P
    Haha, yes, yes I did. Here, have some more! *offers grapes*

    Well hey, if it does get DQ'd, that means you're finally free to take another battle. xD

    I honestly just want someone who actually will do it once in a while to pick up a challenge of mine. I don't care if it takes them even a few days for one round, as long as the battle isn't dead. xD I wanna plan out the arena though before I make create this challenge.
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