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  • Leviathan, I am your..BROTHER.

    And I really should get back to studying. Thanks alot for the gift =D.
    I have a Science, Mathematics, Language Conventions, Writing, Reading, and another Numeracy exam. In that order.

    Over 5 frickin days.

    Waiting for what to be approved?
    Haha, don't worry. I probably won't have much time online to pick it up anyway. Stupid end of semester exams -_-.
    Mm... Yeah, I figured that was the reason, since that's why Huntail/Gorebyss keep them. I still hate that it makes no sense.. I mean, what, does Gorebyss withdraw into those two little shells on it's chest?

    I don't mean like, the best moves, but... I dunno. I personally think ASB rules are too strict when it comes to the number of moves you can give a fakemon, so with that always in my mind, I find it hard to justify using a movepool spot on something so redundant as bubble/bubblebeam. Maybe you could squeeze in a stat modifier like leer or something in there, since the only ones you have listed affect your own pokemon, not counting Bubble/beam's speed lowering effect.

    Mine started off as a normal eel (well, normal for pokemon, what with the extra skin patterns, etc), but at some point I decided giving it arms and claws was a good idea. I took that out though when I asked for a sprite, so we'll see. I expect mine looks more normal-ish again.
    Oh, really? o.o Perhaps it was just the way you wrote it then. I dunno. Can't be any worse than me, though.

    I was sort of thinking more along the lines of looks, and how mine would fit compared to yours. Obviously if yours grows things upon evolution, it would be stupid to throw mine on as a final form where it loses those extra features.

    I rather like the moveset, for the most part. Withdraw for an eel sounds a little... impossible (ignoring the fact that Huntail/Gorebyss can do it). Not to mention that considering from a battle perspective, having Iron Defense pretty much negates the point of wasting an already limited movepool option on Withdraw. But that's just me. Oh, and I think there are some moves that are given to you for free, like Protect and Toxic, since almost every pokemon gets those. I'm a little iffy on Clamp too, for the same reason as Withdraw, but my eel does have teeth so I guess it can just clamp with its mouth... or something... Also, Bubble and Bubblebeam seem rather redundant... one's just a weaker version. Why use a movepool spot on that? Maybe you could replace it with whirlpool or something? It's weak too but like... at least it has a sort of different effect.

    I hope you don't take any of that the wrong way, I'm just a little curious, cause to me some of them seem a little... pointless, when you could possibly put something else there. It's all up to you though. I'm still hesitant to make you change things just so I can throw my evolution in your line and basically get in approved for free...
    Eh, Wiki is faster for info. xD Not that it's guaranteed to be accurate, obviously, but I at least tend to find it correct most of the time.

    Most trainer fics get horrible criticism, I think mostly for the sheer "unoriginality" factor because so many people do them, but I personally really enjoy reading them. Most people also judge them by the first few chapters, but I think that's unfair (unless the writing itself is sub-par). I mean, really, what story have you ever read where there's major plot twists in the first few chapters? I actually have two trainer fics going now, both at the beginning, but one is just the usual "nothing special" about it that I'm using to improve my writing, while the other one I'm sort of holding off on because I do want to include some huge side-plot and have absolutely no idea what to do with it yet.

    Yeah... I always found it odd how some pokemon have stories of their creation... but yet, they have pre-evolutions. Like Banette. It was a dead doll that became possessed... but then, why does Shuppet evolve into it? I thought my back-story at least had a little more believability since it has no evolutions or anything.

    Maybe I will try to get the ghost bird approved... I haven't even started my two battle yet, though. And I don't even have a name for him, or anything else. I suppose I could try to get it started, but... I just get this "Who will use this when we have Rotom?" feeling. I'm rather pessimistic.

    That's not a bad idea, I suppose... or maybe we could make it a three part line so that we can use both of yours and just throw mine either at the final form or the middle of your two. I don't know how advanced your Voltarium is, but my eel is rather simple in design... just cause I fail at that, too. xD
    Ah, now that you mention it, I do remember hearing about those. Whether Florida has them or not, I dunno. I've never seen one, anyway.

    I think Thunder Wave might be better unless you give it something to make Zap Cannon more accurate or something. Just a thought.

    I have my own fake region to. Nameless at the moment cause I fail at names too. But when writing, I find it easier to work with my own gym leaders and such rather than adapt the personalities of the existing ones.

    Well, I'm always in support of odd type combinations. :D

    Um... well I also have this electric/ghost bird thing. I'm not really sure what the deal with it is, I made it when I was much younger. The back-story was something like a bird that died when it got electrocuted and turned into the dead ghost/electric combo that it is now. Or something. Anyways, it's hard to describe... it's sorta long and sky blue, orange pointy beak, and blue ghostly wings. Its body sorta starts twirling at the end to make the tail. And it has a gold... thing on its back. Like, two diamonds overlapping or something. I might be able to upload a picture to photobucket or something. And then I had some sort of... Regice-Deoxys hybrid. With wings. And yeah... that's about all I have.
    Not sure what you mean by "snakehead", but we sure have a ton of snakes. My sister almost stepped on a huge black one two summers ago walking home from school... we thought it was a piece of a truck tire or something. >.<

    Personally, I tend to think that only evolved forms should get the more powerful moves, but eh. If it's only a two stage line, it's not that unusual... Either way, I don't think you should change your whole evo line just cause someone else thought of a similar idea. :P Worst case, I don't have to bother getting mine approved. xD

    Metallic dragonfly that can control ice... intriguing. Steel/Ice is an odd typing. Especially for something that you'd think is at least steel/flying, or steel bug (which is also odd). But yeah, I like the way you think.

    She didn't really... lie. She's just got a mix of everything in there, so I wasn't sure what she really was. xD
    Haha, don't redo your line just on that account. I honestly wasn't sure if I was going to try to get it approved or not... I haven't done anything with it but the appearance or type yet. I haven't even named it.

    Oh, is she? I never knew, what with her little personal message thing under her username. I just tend to default to "him" when I don't know. Whoops...

    So your eel is poisonous, too? How were you going to make that work? Like... an electric/poison type that just lives in water? I wonder if that even has a chance to be approved... I really like the idea, honestly. But I dunno, I just get this vague feeling that that's pushing the limits.

    Mine doesn't have an evo at the moment. To be prefectly honest, it really was nothing more than just some random creature I drew one day and haven't been able to let it go. I just haven't done anything with it, till I started my story, then I decided we needed an electric eel, and... I just happened to have a perfect candidate. xD
    I hardly ever have cash either, I just either make people buy them as gifts, or borrow the money till I can pay it back. xD I'm a bit too obsessed. I was like $14 short of buying HG and SS together so I had my mom write a check and paid her back when my birthday came around.

    80s music just owns. Period. To be honest, while I respect the Beatles for having such a huge impact, I don't really like them too much either. Which is not something I tend to tell my friends.

    Yeah, I hated how long it took Negrek to do those reffings last round too. Especially since she said they were almost done when I added mine. :< Can't really blame her though, she's got a hell of a lot to keep track of. Who's reffedhow many times, paychecks, etc... I couldn't imagine trying to do all that myself. Also, I'm told I have more patience than the average person. :P

    That's a lot of people.. E-reffing is great for money, though. Especially at the speed I've been doing them (gah, they aren't posting orders fast enough...). I don't normally get gifts for people unless I know them, and to be honest, the only person I've really talked to one-on-one here besides you is Dannichu.

    I notice Alraunne seems to be making you a sprite or something... I had asked her to make me one too. I also see that you stole my idea for a water/electric type as well. >:O Except that mine's more like an electric eel thingie. I'll show you the sprite when she's done with it, if you're interested. Cause I'm certainly interested in yours.

    As for me, thanks, but don't worry about a gift or anything. I generally don't like getting gifts anyway, which is the reason I posted in the birthday thread after my birthday passed (Kratos didn't get the hint, but I plan to get him something come Christmas anyway due to a totally unrelated reason).
    Ohh. xP
    Well, there's no Pokemon I really dislike so a surprise is what I'd like best, in that case. I know that just makes it harder to choose but it's true. D:
    blah, sorry being lazy. I'd feel better waiting until I've finished before I choose a 'reward', but at the moment there's nothing I particularly want that I can't buy, so some money or something would probably do. I'll get started on it right now I guess since I'm kind of bored. :x
    Leviathan the Magikarp. Epic. I would have just called it Alnwick. Yay more historical battles.
    Haha, yeah, I know that feeling. Especially because I always get both versions. Bye-bye, saved pennies in a bag that I was too lazy to change into bills.

    Well that's pretty sweet. If they tried to hire your sisters, it's only a matter of time/age before they try to recruit you too. :D

    Scorpions are awesome. Actually, I like most bands from the 80's era. Most modern radio is trash though. I do like some modern rock bands though, mostly things like Evanescence and Nightwish. I can't play any instruments though, so I envy you for that. D:
    Oh, ouch. :( Well, at least you get some from your moving jobs on occasion. :P

    Well, if they're your parents friends, that's just one more advantage you have over anyone else applying. xD Also, I love pastas, so if I'm ever in the area, I'll look for it. :D

    Metallica's alright. Anyway, I've tried to beat games in a day before, but I have a habit of trying to do every side-quest or other distraction as I play through so I never manage that.

    Yeah, I live in Florida. Was born in NY and lived there till I was about 13, then dad had to find work down here and we all got moved. So that's where I've settled.
    Well, when the paychecks come around I'll be able to get you a Zigzagoon or a Bronzor easily.

    And yes name change. Just to reflect my obsession.
    Haha, maybe not that many, but I think you're right that there would be a huge number willing to join. xD

    Man, I wish I were twelve again and were getting free money and had no expenses and stuffs. D: Treasure these days, man. Treasure 'em.

    Yeah... I'm twenty-one now, so I'm in like... I think this would be considered my second year in a community college. But I have to pay for my own classes, unlike middle or high school where parents take care of all that. They offer financial aid to help students who can't afford classes pay for them, with the promise that they'll pay the money back over the course of their life after college. So my sister and I were doing that, but we didn't realize we had to apply for it every year; we thought we were covered for our entire college life. So we were too late in applying for the spring term and because of that, we had no classes this spring. And we simply refuse to sign up for class over the summer, thus, I have no classes until August.

    Pretty sure sixteen is the legal age in most states, but don't quote me on that. Either way, you don't have to worry too much about jobs and money just yet, so enjoy that. :p

    Oh, I didn't mention what it was? xD Well, my sister got a secondhand PS2 system. A week before that, one of my friends showed me an anime-style RPG called Mana Khemia, and I fell in love, so I ordered it for myself as a birthday gift. And ever since it arrived, I've been doing almost nothing but play it and sleep (though, somehow still managed to do a fair few reffings...). I've had the game for about four days now, and I already have over thirty hours on it. When I said I had no life, I meant it. xD
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