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  • It's $12 for both the snorunt and the dawn stone. Are you saying you want both? And how long is it going to take? I'm not in any real rush, per se, but seeing as I already have at least one offer...
    Yes it would. It would be very awesome. You go ahead and make the arena. Even though I won't be able to accept it without dropping a battle.
    Unfortuantly, I plan on buying Kratos Aurion's Rotom, so I won't be getting DOOMDRAGON any time soon. But I do get lolmower =D

    We should totally have a Magikarp vs Magikarp Metronome battle.
    Uhh, AHBE only allows moves of the same type iirc. Im planning on spending $30 to make it a dragon thats not a dragon.
    *secretly wipes sweat* Yes, that's right... nom the grape... >D

    Oh dear... the battle will probably be DQ'd anyway, then. Well hey, at least you'll get something. Oh, and you can make a new challenge. xD

    Oh, okay, cool (no pun intended). I don't much like reffing complicated arenas, because I will forget something. D: I'm thinking of making my own challenge, too, since I only have two of my three limit waiting. I wanna do an underwater arena of some sort.
    I don't need to comment on your Awesome Sauce! Because.... uh... Would you like a grape? :D

    Wow, lol. Let's hope he manages to come back before this battle is DQ'd. I probably should have asked... what's the arena like?
    Your Magikarp will fall to my Feebas. >:( As will your laser.

    You could just search the forums and then PM her. xD

    Hm... I get the feeling that battle might end in a DQ. Maybe that's why Negrek takes her time on it, too.
    Well, one thing you'll learn about me is that I'm stubborn. Your laser will have to prove itself against my speed reffing for me to believe it. >:D

    No problem. Just make sure to give me a link to it if she says go ahead so I can find it easily. :P Also, do you know if X-Scissor is even still active? Or did they get a name change? Cause I haven't seen them around...
    Yeah, lol. 9 reffings in a week... good luck overtaking that. I've almost done a full three just today (but now I'm waiting on the answer to a question so I can't post the third yet). I really have no life but sitting online right now, so... xD Your laser is invalid.

    Er... well, you could ask then. Like I said, I can see why she's a bit slow, but... I dunno, a month seems a little... eh. It only takes me like a half hour to do a reffing, provided I'm not multitasking, so...
    Well, you could ask her if you could get an E-ref if you'd really like, cause I notice Negrek tends to be a bit slow with hers... granted, I understand why completely, since she has to run this whole bloody league. :P

    I actually only got a $5 bonus, and the second person (I think it was Heavy Lobster) got the other $5. I have to admit, I was mislead... I thought the top two got a full $10 bonus each, not split it between them. Still, I made a whopping $68 from the last week, so I felt a little guilty about questioning it, so I didn't. xD
    Which battle is that? Perpaps I'll go pick it up as an E-ref. I'm already making a fortune, but seeing as how I feel like the fastest ref this place ever had, I think I can do it. :P
    That's okay. xD You said that's what well call it for now, so that's what I called it. :<

    Ah, okay. Yeah, Protect will be given to you by default, so you don't need it in the level-up movepool. So whee, fang moves. \o/
    Oh, at least you have a good excuse. xD

    Actually, screw my Ice Fang idea. Go for poison fang, since you said it was suppsoed to be poisonous and yet has no poison moves at all yet. xD

    Glist seems a bit too offensively oriented, if you ask me. Not that that's always a bad thing, but I predict some trouble when approval time comes.
    I'm resisting the urge to ask you what in the world compelled you to try and pull one of their fins. ....Oh, I guess I just asked. xP

    I'm debating maybe adding another typed attack in there... the only coverage it has to far is electric, water, and normal. Perhaps you could replace Protect with Ice Fang? Or move Thundershock/Water Gun there and put Ice Fang elsewhere in the moveset, but it makes more sens for it to be in Protect's current place, since a lot of pokemon only gain the ability to use such moves after evolution. That's not to say you won't include, like, Ice Beam or something in the TM list, but something in the normal moveset would be... sort of logical. I think.
    Ew, spiders... and catfish are pretty ugly too...

    I dunno... something basic, maybe. Wrap/Bind? Useless in-game, better in ASB... I guess we have Clamp for that, though. Hm... I'll go through the attack list when I have some time and see if anything sounds cool.

    Feel free to tell me your dragonfly stuff too if you'd like a second opinion, but don't think you have to change anything just because I suggested it. :P
    Somehow, I'm not surprised. Florida has all kinds of creepy, bizarre, breathing deathtraps. xD My sister saw a bobcat or something on our block a year or so ago.

    I much prefer this modified moveset, really. :P The only thing is the Protect... I haven't actually looked at the approval thread, but like I said, I /think/ Protect is something that is given to you free, so you don't need to include it in the moveset.
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