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  • Blained? Is that what happens when you're owned by the gym leader Blaine?

    And yes, I SEE! I've depleted my energy by painting your face rainbow.
    It never hurts to hope. xD "Slugma, use extremespeed!" <3

    True. :P Shedinja as a wall is otherwise a horrible idea. But if you are 100% sure your opponent can't harm it, you can throw it out there and kill. \o/ I should know... I've had it happen to me. T_T

    The free-flinch thing is epic. I've actually not seen many Sky Attack Togekiss, either. Most that I've seen (including mine, ew) are Nasty Plot, Serene Grace abusers.

    The Pikachu was the weirdest... it wasn't even yellow. T_T But yeah, the Hitmonchan part was the best. xD

    Oh, I have your Chikorita. My FC for Diamond is 1203 5733 4444. So just throw yours at me and maybe I'll sit on waiting for you tonight. :P
    Hmm. I think you should delete everything in after the bit where its like yt.com/video/12312415123515238532532. Either that or its cause I'm aussie.
    That's true, but there's also Serebii, Bulbapedia... I haven't bothered checking those, since Veekun is usually very accurate. But I don't imagine either of them learning it anyways... -maybe- Nincada line, but I highly doubt Rampardos can. That wouldn't make much sense. ....Then again, weirder things have happened. (Hello self-destructing Snorlax).

    Yeah, but with Wonder Guard, it used to be immune to anything Kyogre normally carried (and off the top of my head, anything Kyogre could even learn, for that matter. Barring toxic and hidden power).

    Fake Out can only be used on the turn something is sent out, which bites, but yeah, going first and auto-flinch rocks. Sucker Punch takes some prediction, but it's pretty good when it works.

    ...What the bloody hell was that? xD Easily the most random thing I've seen all day. I needed that laugh. xD
    Oh. I'm pretty sure neither of them can learn it at all, to be honest, going by Veekun, but you never know.

    Shedinja's awesome if you use it right. Too bad Kyogre was given the ability to learn Ancientpower, cause how I would expect about 95% of them to learn it just so Shedinja won't wall them anymore.

    Yeah, Kangaskhan's pretty good. Just battled someone today with him, he surprised me at parts, others... not so much. My Persian/Kangaskhan duo couldn't take down an Infernape with a Technician Fake Out + Dizzy Punch... it was left with like 1 hp or something, too.

    The link there appears to be broken. D:
    Eh, but aren't those ones Hardy nature? Not that I can't work with that, but... I'd prefer to have it with something decent. :P

    Well, maybe they're not rare, but at least I've not seen many of them. Most are dragon dance variations.

    Since when can Nincada learn Extremespeed? Or Cranidos? o_O; That doesn't seem to make sense to me... You know, I have a sudden urge to EV a Shedinja now. xD

    Well, I dunno if Claydol can take down that Skarmory, but it'll give it setup problems, at least.

    I actually have a Kangaskhan, part of my Gen. I team. He's not bad, though I'm a little disappointed in the lower offensive power than I expected. I haven't gotten to practice with that team outside of the battle tower, though.
    Haha, welcome back. :P

    I'm trying to get a surf Pikachu from the pokewalker, but I don't like... go anywhere, so it's really hard to get the 10k steps. >.> Actually, it's only 7500 steps since I have a Magnemite and Flaaffy in them, but still. Anyway, Grass Knot ftw. <3

    I rarely use hidden power cause I can't be bothered learning how to breed for IVs. I usually end up with Steel or Bug HP too, so normally it isn't even usable. I've gotten lucky on some though. Anyway, Typhlosion sounds like a beast. Perhaps I'll get one for my mono-fire team.

    Oh man, I have an absolutely huge list of things I need to EV. Granted, a lot of them are just things with good natures but weren't what I was looking for at the time and just saved in case I planned to use them in the future, but still. Discounting those, I still have a fair few things to do.

    Let's see... a friend used a special Exploud against me that was surprisingly effective, so he gave me a Whismur already equipped with all the moves to EV. He also gave me a Modest movie Shaymin that I plan to do something with. And I have a Hydro Pump Bagon that I want to do, since you rarely see special Salamence these days.

    And then I have a fair list of things I still need to breed for, Lickitung, Seviper and Masquerain being the more interesting of those. So uh... I don't really know who I'm doing next, cause I haven't been playing them much lately cause EVing is boring, but when I do, it'll be one of those. xD
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