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  • One more!!
    User: To protect the world from devestation!
    Cleverbot: To unite all people within our nation.
    User: To denounce the evil of truth and love!
    Cleverbot: To extend our reach to the stars above!
    User: Jessie.
    Cleverbot: James.
    User: Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!
    Cleverbot: Surrender now or prepare to fight!
    User: Meowth, that's right!
    I has more!
    User: Shenron, grant our wish!
    Cleverbot: What is your wish?
    User: We wish for the Namek named Piccolo to be brought here from Other World!
    Cleverbot: I don't like moon.
    User: Neither did Piccolo...
    Cleverbot: I miss my mom.
    User: Gohan!
    Cleverbot: Yes.
    User: Gohan.
    Cleverbot: Frieza.
    User: Frieza.
    Cleverbot: Goku.
    User: Goku.
    Cleverbot: Gohan.
    User: Gohan.
    Cleverbot: Er du klog.
    Kay. Here's a couple.
    User: Goku.
    Cleverbot: No, that's Dragon Ball Z.
    User: Yes.
    Cleverbot: Who is your favorite Dragon Ball Z character?
    User: Future Trunks.
    Cleverbot: Yes.
    User: I like you.
    Cleverbot: I like you too.
    User: *punches you in the face*.
    Cleverbot: *hits you back*.
    User: *blocks your hit* *pulls out a knife*.
    Cleverbot: *chopps your hands off*.
    I wonder why your school did that..anyway, wanna see some funny things it said to me?
    Yes, I regularly check that, but I was busy creating forms for my dad's business. Rather boring and I don't even get credit! And I'm fine but a little annoyed by someone's post in a social group.
    I go through phases with my avatars depending on which Pokemon I like better at the time xD I will always be an Eevee or Weavile at heart
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