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  • :3
    Glad you like it! Take very good care of it! Whenever it hatches/gains a level/evolves, I'll send you a PM.
    *places an egg in your lap*

    *hits you with a newspaper*

    Ban Nightmane, bad! Be calm, or I'll take your gift back.
    I haz a gift for you!
    Tell me, what is your favorite Pokemon? I mean, it's pro'bly Houndoom, but...
    Yeah, I do. Isn't the shadow society the evil guys in our rp? Could you post in the rp? No one's posted in it for a while.
    I've posted in our battle, and I'll show you what I imagined the HSBC looks like after I figure out how to get images onto my computer from paper.
    That doesn't mean anything. Look at the second post on the Challenge Board thread. It lists all currently active challenges.
    Perfect, hmm? This battle is a year after the last one? You need to put my score to 1, and add Rarity to the list in the battle club. Oh, and I posted in the new battle.
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