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  • Awww, poor Glimmer. Beauty didn't know either, she just climbed through a window randomly and sat down. She's surprisingly composed.

    But yes, Beauty is evil. And playing crazy people/sadists is really fun, I realized.
    *overload of hugs and huggles*
    Do you mind if I use that picture of Flyte for my profile picture on Facebook? There's a whole thing going around about using cartoon characters as your profile picture of you're against child abuse, and it's Christmas, so... can I? :D
    I tried drawing animals like you suggested, but I forgot how many fingers/claws kangaroos have. So I could only draw the face. :/


    ALSO, Beauty seems to be fullfilling the 'sadist' part of her personality with my Dark Legion post. :o
    *hug hug hug hug hug* Wow, I'm super thrilled that you like it! :D I'm really, really happy that you do, honestly! :D *huggle*
    They are~ ,3
    Oh, whatever it ends up looking like doesn't matter - a great friend drew it for me and that's all that matters! *hugs*
    You're very welcome! Anything for my little bro~ <3

    Awwh, I really want you to see it! I personally think that it looks pretty cute. :3 And fwee, I can't wait! :D
    Flyte the red-nosed Eevee~
    Had a very shiny nose~
    And if you ever saw it~
    You could even say it glows~
    All of the other Eevee~
    Used to laugh and call him names~
    They never let poor Flytey~
    Join in any Eevee games!
    Then one foggy Christmas Eve
    'Moonwalker came to say~
    Flyte, with your nose so bright,
    Won't you guide my sleigh tonight :D?
    Then all the Eevee loved him~
    As they shouted out in glee~
    Flyte the red-nosed Eevee~
    You'll go down in history! :D

    Merry Christmas Cloud! I made you a picture of Flyte the Eevee for your Christmas gift! <3
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