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  • Thank you. :)

    I'll try to post quickly after, just I don't think I'd have much to reply to now.
    ...YOU GREEDY COOKIE MONSTER!!! XD you should go on a no cookie diet, -987 cookies...it's a shame xD

    Apparently I'm Slytherin, which is kind of weird. I actually thought I'd be Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff!
    That's probably because I just did it too fast. It could be better, but I hope you like it. Here you go. I probably should have made it more like a dove, but eh. I think I might redraw it.

    It got resized a lot to make it fit. I hope it still looks good! :)
    Hey Sky~

    Finished with your picture, to be uploaded hopefully soon.
    Of course. Like, a blue bird, or a robin, or dove? I'd like a kitty for now. Doing something cutely kitty-like.
    Well, yes. That luck was probably me just not wanting to wait around. ;)

    Also, for ArtMo, I have an idea. What about, if you want to, that is, we request? From each other, I mean. Because I probably should get going, and having something to do and someone to prod me to do it would be good. If that's fine. Because, really, if you have actual ideas, then that's great!
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