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  • IV's are stupid. Don't IV breed. But natures is easy enough, and EVs could be MUCH worse to get.
    I completely agree with that statement. This place is awesome, and it makes me feel all warm inside every time I come on. <3
    You know, I think that if I knew you in real life, we'd be good friends. We really should just chat sometime.
    So how do you like my new avvie? Also, I like yours a lot. I just kind of slopped mine together, but I think I'm satisfied with it. I loved the original grovyle image a lot.

    Also, hot chocolate is so delicious. Especially since my feet are so cold... I should put on some socks.
    XD You're not supposed to let it die! I like my dragons and for some reason I feel bad when I abandon them. :P

    I like my dragons though! :D
    I have one with a two-headed dragon :D

    And a pink one, and a rock one. If you look on the Member's List and look for Gold, that's my sisters account and she has her dragons in her siggy! :D
    Do you have a Dragon Cave account? :D I have one and just remembered the other one xD
    U MEEN FLY AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!ONE!!11!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!

    Okay 'lil bro, go cause mayhem naow. :D

    Ohai thar Cloud. Thank you! Teh Peekachew is gowing 2 shawk teh Pidjeez.
    It was before I knew about this site, and I don't think I've ever done ASB...:o I may have and just not know it, but. I'm too lazy to get the links. ^^'
    Yes! XD She has kids but they don't have neopets!

    I can't remember how to feed them ;-; One of my friends on there likes Pokemon and we pretended to have Pokemon and battle with them xD
    I had a friend on there who was 40-something. All my pets are sad, they are starving. ;-;
    I know! I hate when that happens! I'm still young at heart, but I remembered my one from Neopets! xD
    I just like the pets on there, nothing else really xD
    I have one! :D

    I just don't remember the username though D: It was something like tokyo_mew_mew77, I can't remember D:
    Yes!! IT'S STICKING TO THE GROUND TOO!! :D Now it must stay until MOnday so we don't have school...:D
    ...*looks outside window*

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