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  • Oh yes, I forget things often. I also procrastinate.

    It is, actually. I love it. :)
    WHOO GO SKY!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU GOT A BADGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDD
    Thirteen. huh? Yup, I'm one year younger than her. Not much of a difference, but okay. :D

    Yay a little brother! <3
    Your avatar is nice, too! He's Santa Clause. :O

    Also about the big sister! Yes, I will! I'm younger than both of you but I will!
    ...Actually I don't know how old Silver is. :D
    Hi! I guess we don't.

    But yeah, I'll try to think of commands, just the last three or so times I attacked I forgot something critical. Immunity...

    On coffee, I don't really drink it unless it's a frappachino. I have a feeling I misspelled that! But yeah, I don't drink it. Unless it's a double chocolate chip or something similar. But then again, double chocolate chip doesn't have coffee in it... XD
    -Not as convincing as you thought xD-

    Silver is still coloring her Umbreon/Espeon picture. They are sleeping next to a present! :D
    The Gyarados ends the challenge, so you'll get a cool prize at the end. 83
    Btw, back when I first joined TCoD, my art was at elementary at best. x3
    /its ok
    Yes, I had put it in a shoe box xD
    Whoo! -doesn't believe you weren't scared of being ripped to shreds by Blade and be traumitized for life-
    Good luck with SonicNintendo! ^-^
    Rofl, the issue with the wing is the brown bumps are tiny compared to the other one.
    Yay done! (Yeah, the wing in the forefront of the sprite is crappy, but that's life, xD)
    Sorry, I don't I have a lot of evolved pokemon, so really no luck there.

    I think I'll give you a couple of things I havwe extras of, and you can decide if you want them or not. Do you want:

    A Gabite,
    A Riolu,
    A Flygon,
    An Altaria,
    or a Sneasel.

    any of those?
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