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  • Will take a while, second ever scratch sprite and first time drawing a bird (well, without a direct reference). Feathers are gonna kill me. x.x

    Technical issues, rawr. Sucks though that I have to occasionally reference for this sprite, it's an area of anatomy I haven't studied. :\
    I'll show you where it's at currently:
    How's the scratch sprite coming? Not intending to rush, ^^, just wondering. I'm also kinda working on another scratch sprite myself.
    We're getting a Christmas tree tomorrow ^o^
    We got real trees for a few years, but Mom and Dad decided to get a new fake one this year so we can have that and not have to buy a new one each year~
    I was looking forward to the smell ^^;

    What color should I color Moogles body? I did his wings, pompom, and nose, but not his body. DX
    There was an ice storm after I was born..or so I hear o_o;
    But I don't think I've ever seen one.. We get lotsa flurries.. = =
    XD I just can't think of how to color him! xD I know his wings will be purple, but I can't think of how to color his body.

    I've only found SilverShard and you so far xD I keep forgetting to go on there, but one question for you: HOW DID YOU FIND MISSINGO??
    I know, it sucks XD
    It broke in the summer once, too... It was hot, and there was nothing to do about it xD
    lool people at school keep saying it's gonna snow, but I don't think it is!!
    I made him a sleepy moogle! Instead of yawning and saying *yawn* hes saying *ku...* XD

    Yes, I found you're profile! xD
    We used the fireplace one winter because...our unit was broken o__o; We used a gas log (or somethin)

    Yeah, me either... I wish it would though ^_^
    And.....I remembered the little heater! (that was sitting in the middle of the room..)
    Really cold..for some reason. I've been cold in my room lately, though usually I'm never cold o_O
    How be YOU ^_^
    I wonder if they have counters for ArtMo....I would totally get one! :D

    I like to color them, or if I just outline it and not color it, I think it looks weird.
    He is a moogle made of epic. IN A SANTA HAT! :DD

    I'm finishing up my Kirby picture, he needs to be colored! I will now draw a moogle for my ArtMo! :D
    You're welcome! =3

    You made me a moogle?

    It's hard to see it on axe-murder-er style but I love it! :D I think I will make him my new avatar when I get the chance to go on my school's computer! :D
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