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  • Mmkay. I'm looking forward to reading it! :D

    So what picture are you doing today? For ArtMo, I mean. I think I'll draw santa hat Neiriana.

    Also, sorry if this kills the mood, but sorry about your stepdad. :(

    I hope it gets better soon.
    ^^ What was Zoltea talking about me and a virtual family...? [/stalking some]
    Santa pidgey!

    Also, congrats on winning NaNo! Do you have your story posted anywhere?
    One note about GIMP: When you paste into it, use the 4-arrow move tool, but it only moves when the anchor isn't present. Once it's in place just click the anchor button on the layer window.
    Transparent sprites: Make a new image in GIMP (same dimensions as sprite) with transparent background. Paste the sprite in and select the areas you want transparent using the wand tool. Just hit delete to make it transparent.
    :P Can be done with GIMP. The images I showed you were just paint brush and smudge tools with just some recoloring.
    Might not hurt to have both available. :o

    GIMP is free as well btw, ^^
    This is what GIMP can do:
    Rofl yes I mean getting through it. :P
    I've seen one of your other convos, I'd suggest SilverFalcon to be a part of an online family. :3
    *gives you a virtual hug* I hope you get to the light at the end of the tunnel soon. :\
    Charlie bit my finger! xD!

    ....it's amazingly awesome! Poor Rudolph...I love how their eyes get all freaky when their suprised! :D

    Where you turn into a pokemorph and have no memories of before, its already started, but sign ups are open for little while still! I've already gotten into a fight with someone xD
    I hope that you don't want to join Oceanic/Mine's because he's going to stop sign ups soon! :o
    Some of them haven't started yet! So you do have a chance to join still! =3
    I was the third person to give you a cookie! Whoo, I contributed! I can't find my Red or blue game. I'm now agravated, Blade's RP made me want to play them.
    I so want a cookie counter! :D (O) It's a cookie with a really big chocolate chip! xD
    Kay, lol. Have fun with it. :P
    If you need an example of my scratch work, just look in Spriter's showcase or my avatar.
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