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  • I'm about to delete that thread you made yesterday, but I'm curious to know what your post said before you edited it and why you decided it wasn't worth telling people about?
    :D same here, except it takes a little longer to make me happy if I'm angry or depressed.
    ^-^ You thought that was funny? xD At least your in a somewhat better mood! :D
    You'e welcome! I sometimes over react to things and go overboard ^^' maybe it would be better not to say that!
    "/ That's sad...what was up with you're thread in the coughing cupboard? I know you said nevermind but...
    Apparently, you have been a very naughty boy. xD Maybe you forgot something important and made him made...? My dad died 3 years ago I think, so my mom never re-married.
    It gets sad without them xD
    It seems to have drawn a lot of attention lately, there are about 20 members now I think! :D
    Yes, but SilverFalcon is a more awesome Moogle! XD
    Disrespectful in what way...?
    Yes it was! It just seemed less...'XD'y! xD
    Alssooo, did you ever sign up for Pokemorph Hunters? I can't remember xp
    Well, I noticed! :D ...moogle!
    That's good~ And you should have! I ate so much that I exploded into pieces. C: How am I typing if I'm dead I do not know. <3
    Oh. Well that sucks. I deleted it. Guess you can't get your message back.
    I deleted it, and it fixed. But I don't think I can get it back. ):
    Hm, kupo. I guess you'll find out later, kupo.
    I've been able to put kupo in almost everyone of my posts, kupo!
    So you're saying you haven't read Mockingjay? The first two are really awesome, aren't they?

    Also, sorry about this, but the notifications for yours and Silver's message don't seem to be going away. I looked in forum help and you're supposed to delete it. I'll quote what you said so we don't forget, then delete it. Is that okay?

    What you said:

    "I haven't read the newest book yet, but I read all of the others =)"
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